NNPC 2019 Recruitment Shortlists Full List of Shortlisted Candidates for CBT Aptitude Test 2019: Date, Time & Venue for the Examination Screening Exercise

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NNPC 2019 Recruitment Shortlists Full List of Shortlisted Candidates for CBT Aptitude Test, Date, Time & Venue for the Examination Screening Exercise – This is to inform the general public that applied or registered for NNPC 2019 Massive Job Recruitment that the full list of shortlisted candidates for Aptitude Test is out and ready for all to check.

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Tips that Qualified one to be shortlisted for NNPC Recruitment 2019/2020

Any one dreaming to join the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation must be able to scale through some requirements. Let’s take a look at some of this requirement :

  • You must be a graduate with either a BSc degree or HND degree. (first class or second class upper, while those applying with a second class lower will have to also possess a master degree and while HND should get (minimum of Upper Credit) with a completed Master’s Degree.
  • Preferences are given to only those with first class and second class upper or what you referred to as 2:1 or it’s equivalent and 2:2 with master degree.. What we mean here is that if you are applying with 2:2 please back it up with a master degree certificate.
  • NNPC is a government corporation hence they demand NYSC discharge certificate.
  • Applicant must be a computer literate.
  • You should be at least 28 years of age


How to know if you are shortlisted for NNPC Recruitment 2019/2020 Aptitude Test

Those who were shortlisted for NNPC Recruitment 2019/2020 Aptitude Test were notified via their Emails. The mail or message goes to the Email address they used while applying for the job. Check your mail box as well as your Spam.

Sample of the mail or message you will receive if you are shortlisted for NNPC Recruitment 2019/2020

Below is the mail you will receive;

Dear Applicant,

Following your online application for a position in Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), you are hereby notified of your success in the first level screening exercise and the scheduling of a Computer Based Test for Saturday 1st June, 2019.


Best regards,

NNPC Careers Team.

Date for NNPC Recruitment 2019 Aptitude Test

NNPC Recruitment 2019 Aptitude Test holds on Saturday 1st June, 2019.

Time and Venue for NNPC Recruitment 2019 Aptitude Test

The Time and venue of the Test, and other required details, will be communicated to you on or before the 27th of May, 2019.

Important Notice

  • Validation of credentials in line with our advertised criteria will continue throughout the exercise and candidates will be disqualified if found not to meet set criteria.
  • Candidates not qualified will not receive further communication from us regarding the Computer Based Test and other activities.
  • Do not pay any money to anyone as regards to NNPC Recruitment 2019 as they could be scammers.
  • You shall be notified via SMS or contacted via email address if you are shortlisted for NNPC Aptitude Test
  • To be regularly updated on everything about NNPC especially, when the list of shortlisted candidates would be released and other vital information about NNPC regarding to this recruitment to enable you not missing out, kindly subscribe to the site using your Email address for FREE
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  • See other vital topics you could read below

NNPC 2019 Recruitment Shortlists Full List of Shortlisted Candidates for CBT Aptitude Test 2019: Date, Time & Venue for the Examination Screening Exercise


  1. Please has any body received the time and date for the nnpc CBT test on Saturday

    1. basedonnews says:

      click on the message sent to you

  2. Juliana Chalya Alfred says:

    I am a Critical Nurse can I get transfer of service into NNPC to work there? I work with Jos University Teaching Hospital I have 14years working experience. I am a Registered Nurse, Registered Midwife, Registered Critical Nurse and Degree in Nursing Science thanks waiting to hear from you. Yours Faithfully Juliana Chalya Alfred.

    1. basedonnews says:

      This entails confirming from the officials direct and see how they can assist you

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