Seven unknown Smart Food for Smart Knowledge that you need to eat

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7 smart foods that can boost your brainpower

Our Brain is a vital organ of our Body. It is central to our daily activity.  A healthy brain equates a healthy life. Oxygen and Glucose are the only substances needed by the brain for functioning. Although, higher functions like Memory, reasoning and self control requires Nutrients.

Vitamin B groups are mostly influential to the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system. Lack of these can cause irritability, depression and fatigue.

Minerals too are directly involved in the activity of neurons. Lack of it can lead to Anxiety and nervousness.

On the other hand, Excess consumption of sugar and additives can alter brain activities.

Seven unknown Smart Food for Smart Knowledge that you need to eat

It include the following:

Cashew: It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, Vitamin B group and minerals. It is essential for nerve impulses transmission and nervous stability. You can roast it or eat fresh from the stalk.

Oats: They are the most nutrient rich grain. It is very rich in phosphorus and iron. They balance the nerves and improve mental performance. You can take it as flakes, as porridge (oatmeal), as flour for soups or boil and drink (oat-water).

Eggs: Eggs contain a chemical called Choline that boosts memory. Boiling eggs would be much better than frying.

Avocados: They ensure blood flows properly to the brain, allowing for clear thinking and alertness. You can eat raw or diced in vegetable salad.

Banana: They are rich in Vitamin B6, Felix acid and potassium. They increase serotonin levels affecting mood. You can eat raw or blended as smoothie or diced in salads.

Tomatoes: They are abundant in Lycopene which prevents brain damage. They are good sources of Vit A, Vit C and potassium. You can eat raw or cooked, sliced in salads, or on sandwiches or in sauces..

Foods are like fuels that boosts brain power.

Never skip breakfast.  It’s the most important meal of the day.

In quantity, ensure your lunch is always more and heavier than your dinner.

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