Five (5) Tips to be Successful in 2020

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Happy New Year

There are certain tips or perquisites to be successful this 2020 and to avoid not achieving what you hoped for. This year, now is a virgin year and the earlier the better. The way you make your bed, so you lie on it. To achieve those goals you set aside a long time ago, start now… Work with the tips as outlined below.

Prerequisites for Success in 2020

  1. Know your Strengths and Acknowledge your Weaknesses

Everybody has Areas of Strengths as much as we do have Areas of Weaknesses. Identify your Hit Points and improve on them. If it’s cooking, singing, writing, dancing, whatever it is, GET BETTER AT IT. Acknowledge your Down points and deliberately leverage on opportunities to get better.

  1. Set SMART Goals.

Reflect on those Successes you intend achieving in 2020. Write them down, make them plain. Make Sure it is SMART.

SPECIFIC: It should be Clear, Concise and Precise, well-defined and not ambiguous.

Consider the five “W” questions.

Who: Who is involved in this goal?

What: What do I want to achieve?

Where: Where is this goal to be achieved?

When: When do I want to achieve this goal?

Why: Why do I want to achieve this goal?

For example,

A general goal would be

“I want to publish books.”

A more specific goal would be

“I want to obtain a publishing membership at the Publishing House and learn the Basics and Complexes about publishing at least four days a week.”

MEASURABLE: Your goal must have a Criteria for measuring it’s progress.

If there are no criteria, you wouldn’t know if you’re progressing or regressing or being dormant. To make your goal measurable, ask yourself:

How do I know if I have reached my goal? What is my Litmus test for progress?

ACHIEVABLE:  Your goal must be achievable and attainable and realistic. The achievability of the goal should be stretched, so as to make you feel challenged, but it must also be defined well enough that you can actually achieve it.

Ask yourself:

Do I have the resources and ability to achieve my goal?

Have others done it successfully before?

If they’ve not, why?

REALISTIC: Your goal must be realistic. It should be realistically achievable with the available resources and time.

Ask yourself:

Is my goal possible and within reach?

Is the goal reachable within the available time and resources?

TIMELY: Your goal must be time-bound.. It should have a start and finish date. If the goal is not time constrained, there will be no sense of urgency and motivation to achieve the goal.


Build a Plan and Strategy towards meeting each goal.

The goal is the destination, the Plan is the map on getting there.


If they say you’ll Fail, you most likely may not Fail.

But if you say you’ll Fail, you definitely will Fail.

Have Confidence in yourself.

There’s nothing beyond you.

There’s nothing you can’t handle.

If you’ve conceived it, you can achieve it.


Strength, Intelligence and Beauty may fail, but God doesn’t Fail.

The Power to make wealth is in his hands.

Trust him!

With this tips, believe me, you will actualize your dream… Don’t relent, put it into practice now and see it working out.

We wish you greater things ahead… loves you more

Five (5) Tips to be Successful in 2020

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