Foods for the Eyes: Tips to avoid total blindness

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Foods for the Eyes: Tips to avoid total blindness – The eye is an extremely amazing organ. Its high level performance and precision marks it out. The eyes is an organ of Unending motion. The muscles of the eye are constantly working to carry out some functions like the opening and closing of the pupil, the modification of the curvature of the eye lens based on distance of objects and the exploration of the field of vision. At the same time, the optic nerve keeps sending impulses to the Brain at a rate equivalent to 100Mb/Sec.

The eye requires:

•Vitamins C and E – These are Antioxidants of which a deficiency leads to cataract and even blindness.

•Carotenoids – A natural dye found in plant foods. They are Anti-oxidants that helps to prevent retina degeneration.

•Vitamin A – This is very necessary. It promotes the formation of the Light sensitive pigment of the eye called Rhodopsin.

Some foods your eye will thank you for:


This is a rich source of Provitamin A. It is also a good source of Vitamins B groups, C and E. It is composed markedly of: Carotenoids: It is in the form of Beta-carotene which is transformed to Vitamin A by the body. It aids in clear night vision and ability to accommodate light.

CARROT can be eaten Raw (as in salads, whole, grated or with lemon juice), Cooked (with potatoes or veggies) or as Juice.

 2• |LIME|

Lime is a useful tool for eye disorders. It is used in cases of conjunctivitis that is, Inflammation of the Conjunctiva.

It is prepared as Juice. The Juice is then diluted with water, warmed and instilled into the eye.

Also, when used in combination with Rose Water in ratio 1:4, it prevents old-age Cataract.

 3• |APPLES|

Apples are great for the eyes. The peels are the most Potent part for the eyes. It is excellent for Swollen eyes and as an Eye wash.

The peels are put in a pan, covered with water, allowed to boil, cool, strained off and some honey added to it..

 4• |MANGO|

This is a rich source of Vitamin A. It is used to treat Night Blindness (Vitamin A deficiency). It also prevents development of refractive errors, eye dryness, softening of cornea, blindness, itchy or hot eyes.

Mangoes should be taken raw and liberally for great effects for the eye.


This is another notable source of Vitamin A.

It is dependable against Night Blindness, Short Sightedness, Optic Nerve/Eye weakness.

It is a good eye tonic.

Freshly plucked tomato leaves should be put in a pan, covered with hot water and allowed for 15minutes.

The water should be taken.

The tomatoes can also be taken Raw, Cooked or as Juice.

 6• |HONEY|

This is an excellent medicine for the Eye. It improves Eye-sight. It relieves Eye itching, Conjunctivitis, trachoma, glaucoma (at its initial stage), immature cataract etc.

Honey can be applied directly to the eyes or mixed with Onion Juice for Cataract.


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