How to Get JAMB Profile Code 2025/2026 for JAMB Registration: New SMS to send to get Jamb Profile Code
How to Get JAMB Profile Code 2025/2026 for JAMB Registration: New SMS to send to get Jamb Profile Code – Do you want to register JAMB UTME or DE? Are you finding it difficult getting Profile Code? Have you sent SMS to 55019 but the Profile code is not forth coming after being debited? Are you in search of the new method to Send SMS to 55019 since the introduction of NIN? Do you want to know the new way of getting or creating JAMB Profile Code? New USSD Code to get your Profile Code for Jamb Profile Code. This article will provide you with all you need and the steps to guide you get your JAMB Profile Code Faster.
How to Get JAMB Profile Code 2025/2026 for JAMB Registration: New SMS to send to get Jamb Profile Code
- How to get or check JAMB Profile Code on phone (SMS), Email, and Jamb Profile account
- How To Get JAMB Profile Code For 2025/2026 Registration
- Latest News Update and Method on How to get your JAMB Profile Code
- What to send to get JAMB Profile code sent to your Phone number
- Dial *55019*1*NIN# to get your Profile Code in your phone instantly
- USSD Code to get your Jamb Profile Code for Jamb registration 2025
- jamb 2025 profile code procedures
- what do i have to do when i want to get my jamb profile code
- how to generate jamb profile code using sms
- how to get jamb 2025 profile code
- how to get jamb profile code 2025
- jamb profile code 2025
- Should I send my NIN to 55019 to get jamb profile code
- Can I send my full name to 55019 to get profile code?
- ways to get my nin profile code
- how long will it take for a new registered sim card to get a jamb profile code
- which sim is best for creating jamb profile code
- best sim to use to get your jamb profile code
- how to buy jamb profile code
- easiest way to get a jamb profile code
- how to send nin to jamb
- How can I get JAMB profile code for registration?
- Can I use another name for JAMB registration not in NIN registration?
- unable to process your request at the moment. Try again later. (nin verification)
- Jamb Email address to use and get jamb profile code
- jamb Email address to get profile code
- What if I made a mistake in my name during NIN registration?
- Is NIN compulsory for JAMB registration?
- Can I use the same phone number I used last year (2025, 2026 etc)?
- unable to charge your line at the moment by jamb 2025
Note: Since the introduction of NIN as part of JAMB Registration Procedure, the processes changed which may affect some prospective candidates that do not have NIN yet. JAMB made NIN compulsory for JAMB 2025 Registration.
I don’t have NIN – Click Here to Register your NIN for JAMB Registration very fast
How to get JAMB Profile Code for 2025/2026 JAMB Registration
- First, you need to obtain your NIN. Click here to see how to get NIN for JAMB registration.
- Let’s say that your NIN is “96346823410”, send an SMS in the format “NIN 12345678910” to 55019 (Note: put space in between the NIN and the number.
- Without the NIN number; Send an SMS in the format “SURNAME FIRST NAME OTHER NAME” to 55019.
- After sending the message, you will receive a message from JAMB having your JAMB profile code (The profile code is ten digits e.g. 4857209334).
- The message will also contain the FULL NAME of each candidate to obtain his/her JAMB profile code. Also, make sure you use a phone number that you easily have access to.
JAMB Profile Code New USSD Code for Registration 2025
Send an SMS to 55019 to generate a profile code will include dialing *55019*1*NIN#. Simply Dial *55019*1*NIN# and your Profile Code would be sent to your phone as SMS immediately.
What to do if you DO NOT receive a profile code for your UTME/DE registration
Send the following information:
TO : or
What is next after obtaining my JAMB Profile Code
After getting your JAMB Profile Code, kindly go to JAMB CBT Centre and purchase JAMB e-PIN for JAMB Registration.
“Unable to process your request at the moment. Try again later. (nin verification)” What to do?
Kindly link your SIM Card with your NIN to enable you receive the profile code in your phone.
Even if you have linked your SIM before, try doing it again for faster receiving of your profile code.
Note: Do not use SIM Card already linked by someone else maybe your mother or your father. It must be linked by you. This implies that the SIM must be yours.
How to link your SIM Card (Phone Number) with your NIN or to your NIN
Use the steps below to link your SIM Card to your NIN:
MTN Phone Number Fastest Way to Update and Link your SIM Card with NIN using Code and Confirm Status
GLO Phone Number Fastest Way to Update and Link your SIM Card with NIN using Code and Confirm Status
Can I send my full name to 55019 to get profile code?
This was the method used in 2018 to get profile code. According to JAMB registrar, Prof. Ishaq Oloyede, this method no longer works following the introduction of National Identification Number (NIN) as part of JAMB registration process.
How can I get JAMB profile code for registration?
I have explained the new method in details in this article. Check it out, it’s quite easy and straightforward.
Can I use another name for JAMB registration not in NIN registration?
No, your name will be sent together with your JAMB profile code. This will be the name you used during NIN registration and you cannot change it AFTER requesting for your JAMB profile code.
What if I made a mistake in my name during NIN registration?
In that case, you should change your name on NIN database before you request for your JAMB profile code. To do that, go to any NIN registration centre and tell them you want to correct an error in your bio data.
Is NIN compulsory for JAMB registration?
Yes, the National Identification Number (NIN) has become a compulsory part of JAMB registration process. You cannot get your JAMB profile code or purchase JAMB e-PIN without it.
Can I use the same phone number I used last year to get send SMS for my Jamb Profile Code?
If you registered for JAMB last year, you can still use the same number to get your JAMB profile code. However, two people are not allowed to use the same phone number.
What to do when JAMB did not send the Profile Code to you after sending the message to 55019
Confirm if the SIM Card has been linked, if not try linking it.
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For questions and challenges, Comment Below
Gm, please help me o.
I have being trying to get my jamb profile code since 13th of April 2021 but the response it’s giving me is that the passport obtained from NIN is not valid….this morning I tried it again they deducted #50 trice still giving me the same reply the passport obtained from NIN is not valid
Kindly go to the NIN office and recapture… Tell them you wish to reupdate your information in your NIN… Once that is done, send the info to 55019, it will be sent
Pls this same incident also happened to me are you sure this would work
Just try
Pls help me.
Are you finding it difficult in getting your jamb profile code
Yes, help me too pls
Please help me
I used the same GSM number I used last year. And I got my profile code but it’s the same as last year’s own.
Will there be any problem
I’m really confused
There is no problem if you use NIN (the 11 digits NIN number) in getting it
I paid for jamb e pin and I was sent this
Jamb pin : 609B01FB2F6375623058978897611004
Please is it the last 10 digits
so wrong
Help me oo, I want to change the Name I used in NIN because it’s different from the one I used in my WAEC. But JAMB has already sent me my Profile Code with the name on my NIN already. This might affect me during Admission Process.
Don’t vend or buy PIN yet… Go to the NIN office and update it, then use another SIM Card and link it with the NIN then request for Profile code using the new number
I sent my NIN number to 55019 for profile code to enable me register for 2021 jamb but the response I keep on getting was “Unable to process your request at the moment, try later. (jamb:net-err)”. these is what I have been getting for the pass many days now. I will appreciate if I can be directed on what to do to get my profile code and also register for this exam.
Type NIN give space then type the 11 digits NIN number and send to 55019… Also confirm if you’ve linked that your number with your NIN. And are you sure the number has not been linked before with another NIN that is not your own
Please I have received my profile code but the number I used is the one from last year how can I change it
It does not matter
Please help me oh,I get this same message all the time (already generated profile code name;does not match name u enrolled with nimc) and it matches what should I do now and they keep deducting #50 all the time
How did you generate the profile code…
Please help. I have tried to obtain my profile code severally with no result. I don’t have a phone of my own. I am using my mother’s phone. I have my NIN number but get the code now is the issue. Please what can I do?
If your mum has linked her SIM with her NIN, it will not go
Pls hav sent my NIN code to the designated code but couldn’t get a response from them but all they kept telling me is to visit the NIN office which I have did but they told me that my NIN code is okay but still can’t get a response from 55019. Pls help me out what should I do to get my profile code
First make sure your phone number has not been linked to any NIN… Then, link your SIM with your NIN before sending it to 55019
I have been trying to get my profile code but is not working they kept on deducting #50 is only saying try again later. Am confused.
Link your SIM again before sending
I used my daddy’s sim card to send my nin to 55019 but I haven’t received any reply, so I decided to use my glo sim to send my nin…. After sending it, I received a reply that the nin has been registered with my dad’s number but am yet to see the code in my dad’s phone
I registered for jamb last year with my number, I also try using it this year but it’s not working. What should I do
Link it with your NIN before sending
Hello sir, mine is writing your request has been received and is being processed, you will get response shortly. The service will cost you 50 naira
Exercise patience, they will send you the profile code
I have sent my nine number to 55019 and till now I have no5 get any responses
Make sure you’ve linked the number with your NIN before sending it
Yes very Difficult…infact they have deducted up-to 300 recharge card without given me the profile that fair
Hello I I have send the message to 55019 but they don’t reply me then I visited jam website and rigister with my email address they send me the code through email but I don’t use my NIN or mane there I jst sing up and I was send the message can I use the profile code to rigister ? Pls
No that one is not the right one for registration… It has to be with your NIN
Yes very Difficult…infact they have deducted up-to 300 recharge card without given me the profile that fair
No… Try linking your SIM card first
I used my father’s number which may have been linked to his NIN. The eventual reply was Network Failure. How can I do it for jamb had already registered my NIN with his number?
IF you have not gotten the Profile code, use your own sim card
Pls help me
They keep deducting #50 from my account without sending the profile code
only telling me to wait that ut will be send to me shortly thus is one week now no profile code no nothing
Try using another SIM
I have requested profile code since yesterday morning till now I have not gotten and I have already link my NIN what could be the reason
Try using another sim
I send my nin they don’t reply me.and my information are correct I didn’t know the problem.please help me
Link your NIN with your phone number and resend
Can use my airtel sim for the nin text jamb
Yes ofcourse
My brother is trying to get his profile code but he doesn’t have a sim yet and he can’t register now because of the banned registration. So I decided to use my sim for him to get his code since he doesn’t have yet but it’s not working WHY
It is not working because you’ve linked your SIM with your own NIN… look for someone that has not linked his or her sim yet
I generated my profile code mistakenly with a sim card that’s not mine and the owner can’t be found, what can I do?
Though I have the sim in my phone
If you have access to the SIM, you can use it but if you don’t have access to the SIM just get a new one and redo it
Please I have been sending nin to 55019 several times they replying me by an error occur plz what is the way out have spend upto 400 on this
First: Send by typing NIN then give space and type the NIN number
Second: Make sure you have linked the number with your NIN before doing it
Try it always… if you are sure you are following the required steps
If not get a new SIM and link it before sending
My configuration code was sent to my email to complete profile creation, is it the same thing as my profile code I means the configuration code with 10 digit
No… use the SMS method or Use the USSD Code method
Please i requested for the code but the thing is my phones storage space was low so i can’t receive any message, i later received a message from 55019 but my phone rejected it due to space, so i cleared some apps and restarted my phone and i didn’t see any message again. I sent my nin again but still haven’t seen anything so whats the issue??
They have been saying your request is processing you will receive a message shortly
It will be sent to you or you an use this means of USSD by Clicking Here
Type RESEND and send to 55019
I have been trying to retrieve my daughter’s profile code following the right steps without success, what I do so she can register for her jamb. She has no SIM
Use this new method of USSD by Clicking here ma
Can I use the same profile code I used last year in the previous JAMB?
I used the same phone number for jamb last year and they said I have to use my phone number linked to my NIN for jamb which is this same number but after sending my NIN to 55019, this is what I am receiving, “This GSM Number has already been used by Another Candidate on e-Facility” . The candidate they should be talking about is me but I am not even getting my former profile code. Should I still use my old profile code or do something else?
There is a new method of getting profile code now using USSD… Click Here to do yours
I have tried Sending my NIN to jamb to get my profile code they keep replying** Unable to charge your line at the moment and them help me out I have sent I so many times still the same reply
Try using another SIM card
Please I requested for the nin number and is telling me the mobile number has been used for e facility before although am the one that use it for jamb some years ago
Should I keep asking for it or that mobile number won’t be able to generate my profile code because it is the one I used in my NIN.
Try another SIM card, link the SIM Card then try to generate the profile code with the new sim
I have not received profile code since four days now I have try with four different line but up till now I haven’t what will do now
Link the number first with your NIN before requesting for profile code
I changed the name on my nin before generating my profile code for it to correlate the name on my waec result. When I generated it after changing it, the message sent to my was not with the name I changed to
It could be the name has not taken effect yet… Try getting a new SIM Card and try it again after few days
I tried getting my profile code but they said my GSM has been used by another candidate
Maybe someone used your number last year to get profile code… Get another SIM, link it and use it
Have been trying to send the NIN and the 11digit to 55019 but the thing is doing not send try again later
Make sure you have Airtime before sending it
Please sir I used someone own to link my own that time but now that I have get mine can I still link it up
And and sending my own NIN to 55019 but they keep telling me that no record found for NIN what should I do plz
You need to get another SIM card or you use SIM that has not been linked then link it… Send NIN put space before the 11 digits of your NIN and send to 55019
I have been linking my nin and I have been debited many times I also tried. Using other sims but they keep telling me that no record found for nin check nin or try again after 24hours
Check another sim
Please I used the new ussd code but the are saying that the service is only available for 2020 candidate and secondly that the SP service is not available
Use SMS method plz
Please help me I have been trying to get my profile code since last two weeks and they still deducted N50 almost four time’s pls help me.
get a new sim, link it and try it again… so sorry for the deductions
Sir, mine is saying, “no record found for nin”
Then i try linking my nin it then says “the NIN you submitted is invalid.”
Go to NIN office to confirm
I ported my GlO line to MTN and used the line to register for link my Link, but I have not received it.
I have tried using another number to send or profile code , but the keep telling me that the line has been linked with the former line.
What do I do
Link your SIM with your NIN first then send to 55019 or get a new sim card
Pls i don’t have phone and i used my mother’s phone to send my nin to 55019 the message i keep receiving request received sms confirmation will be received shortly. But i haven’t seen any message .pls what do i do
Did your link the sIM with your NIN
I tried all the method even the ussd code and very with different number
Did you link your SIM with your NIN
please I have a problem, I opened my jamb profile via jamb website. I was sent a profile code but it isn’t working.
Use SMS method
Sir I have tried to get a profile code for days now and with different numbers they keep on debiting me but never sends the cold, this last one I sent them yesterday I got a message that my NIN has been received and register on that GSM number that the will get back to me shortly but upon till now I have not seen any thing
Try at midnight and early morning
I tried to request for my provide code by sending My NIN to 55019 for almost 4days , no respond I later tried using my brother s phone number but the replied I got was that you have already been registered with GSM number——-which is the first number I used for sending the first message my own line but to my own surprise nothing like profile code on my Sim. Please help!
Click Here to see how to send mail to JAMB and get your Profile code as soon as possible via your mail
Pls ave been trying to send NIN with my NIN number to 55019 to get my conformation code for three weeks now and I don’t received any response
Click Here to see how to send mail to JAMB and get your Profile code as soon as possible via your mail
Can I use the phone number I used last year to generate my jamb profile code?
yes you can
Please I need a last minute help
I’ve been trying to get my profile code for weeks and I’ve been told that I would get a response containing my profile code but nothing up till now
Sometimes it says connection problem with NIMC
Click Here to see how to send mail to JAMB and get your Profile code as soon as possible via your mail
I mistakenly choiced an option that says the charges should not be taken by 55019, please help me reverse it fast. All effort to do it myself has been abortive.
I mistakenly choiced an option that says the charges should not be taken by 55019, please help me reverse it fast. All effort to do it myself has been abortive. Here is my number-
Gud day, I mistakenly use last year’s gsm number to get my profile code, but I got a reply from jamb in form of my previous profile code and NIN number am worried pls, and I tried sending my NIN with another number the reply was this NIN as already been registered with my previous number am I save what do I do? Will I receive last year jamb score?.
It does not matter, you can still use it my dear
Can I use a borrowed card to get profile code?
I have tried and tried have spent up to 5000 buying card have not still seen my profile code please help me
Can you get a new SIM
This is my first time I’m registering for Direct Entry but jamb said I’ve already registered…. I was unable to login as UTME User and As Direct Entry user ,
Please Sir/Ma’ help me for God’s sake , I’ve logged a complain several times but all in vain
U can get a new SIM card then
Please I’ve registered for 2021 jamb already,but I used my last year profile, but the date of birth on my NIN is not correct and it’s reflecting on my print out slip. Please what can I do
Change the date of birth on your NIN then go to CBT centre for update
Please I used the sim I used for last years jamb registration,but they sent me my last years profile code
Please can I go on and register
I sent NIN 28732710918 about 25 times now and the response I got is No NIN is Found in (NIN). You Must supply 11 Digits NIN Number. Kindly Send NIN [Your NIN]. e.g NIN 00000000021 to 55019.. what can I do.
Please I have sent my NIN phone number to 55019. But I haven’t received any feedback yet. Actually I used the sim I used for my last year jamb which has been linked but still no feedback. So then I tried my other sim that has also been linked but yet no feedback. Please what is wrong and how long does it take to receive my profile code because now it over an hour.
Please I need an answer!
Must I link my NIN with my phone number before I can get my profile code
I have received my profile code but I unfortunately lost the sim, if I change my nin number can I still receive the profile code with the new number
Go ahead and vend the PIN with the profile code…
Pls i have send my NIN number to 55019 and it saying no record found
It needs activation
Hello, the last time i wrote jamb I bought a sim card registered by someone to obtain my profile code and now i don’t have the sim/sim pack to use it again, I try another sim but they keep telling me my NIN is already registered with that same sim, and I’m not the one who registered the sim card. Please help me.
Use the profile code of last year to vend the PIN