IAUE Smart Test Questions and Answer – See IAUOE Recruitment Test Questions

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IAUE Smart Test Questions and Answer – See IAUOE Recruitment Test Questions – This article contains questions asked and answers to all the questions in IAUOE Recruitment Smart Test CBT Exam. This will assist those who are yet to write their own test to know the kind of questions they would be expecting and as well know the better way to tackle it for a good result at the end.

Our main idea is to assist and guide you with reliable information that would help you get the job you have been seeking for. Kindly follow the steps for a successful Smart Test in Ignatius Ajuru University of Education recruitment.

This is written because of lots of people that have been asking us questions on the way to go about their test. Notwithstanding, the questions differs

IAUOE Recruitment 4mins Smart Test Questions and Answers

The questions include;

What job position did you apply for?

Answer: Choose the option of the position you applied for. Like, Assistant Lecturer II

Write on your course theories?

Answer: Algebriac Theory
Asymptotic theory
Automata theory
Probabilty theory
Elimination theory
Set theory

This is for people that read mathematics

What is research?

Answer: Research is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

Why did you apply for this job?

Answer: you can then talk about how you want to help them on their mission to achieve certain goals or that you are aligned with some of their core company values. If you have any industry specific knowledge that applies to this role, that can be a plus, but it’s not a deal breaker.

How to arrange project work?


  • The Preliminary pages:
  • Title page
  • Certification/Approval page
  • Dedication
  • Acknowledgement
  • Abstract
  • Table of content
  • List of tables
  • List of figures
  • List of symbols/Nomenclature- if available or in need

The Body (Main work/project proper):

  • Chapter One – Introduction
  • Chapter Two – Literature Review
  • Chapter Three – Research Methodology
  • Chapter Four – Data Presentation, Analysis, Result, Discussion of Findings
  • Chapter Five – Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation



What’s your discipline?

Answer: Microbiology

What grade did you graduate with

Answer: First Class

Your Course Titles and Course Codes

Mention the ones you know especially the final year course and their codes

MTH 110 – Trigonometry

MTH 120 – Calculus

BCH 420 – Pharmaceutical Biochemistry

We will continue to update you

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