How to Locate FMARDPACE Farmers Enumerators for BVN Enrollment by Agents in your State LGA
How to Locate FMARDPACE Farmers Enumerators for BVN Enrollment by Agents in your State LGA – Those who are yet to register or enrol their BVN in FMARDPACE by agents can use the link in this article to contact the agents in their Local Government Area of their state. To locate Fmardpace enumerators agents for BVN enrollment and registration, kindly contact the agents in your local government area.
The new AFJP Guidelines, as advised by CBN requires all beneficiaries of the Movement’s Covid19 palliative to be BVN enrolled. To ensure that fmardpace farmers are not disqualified, they are working with NIBSS to ensure that their farmers are not left out. We will meet them where they are for the BVN Registration exercise! Fmardpace.
This directive is not in any form to wicked fmardpace enumerators but to work under the directive of CBN (Central Bank of Nigeria).
NIBSS State ADP Centres
According to Fmardpace, in collaboration with NIBSS, we will commence a farmer BVN enrolment exercise for farmers without BVN across the nation.
As a result of that, Enumerators are please advise to mobilize their farmers, so they can receive the palliative.
Date for FMARDPACE Farmers Enumerators BVN Registration
FMARDPACE bvn registration starts from 12th October – 16th October, 2020
Venue for FMARDPACE Farmers Enumerators BVN Registration
FMARDPACE bvn registration will be conducted at ADP Centres in all LGAs
Fmardpace will be sending Agents to Enumerators wards to enroll their farmers for BVN.
How to Locate FMARDPACE Farmers Enumerators for BVN Enrollment by Agents in your State LGA
NIBSS States ADP Centres for Farmers BVN Enrolment Exercise: In order to make your work easy as fmardpace enumerators, Fmardpace has shared list of farmers BVN enrollment centres in your LGA.
To locate the BVN enrollment centres in your LGA, kindly follow the link below to see the list of locations assigned for the exercise.
Click here to view enrollment Centres
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