MCB 200.1 Practical Lab Report on Identification of Unknown Organism using Tests to draw the Results and Inference
How to do Uniport MCB 200.1 Report on Identification of Unknown organism, What is Normal Enteric Flora, What are Enteric pathogens – This article covers all you need to excel in MCB 200.1 General Microbiology Practical Report. This practical carries 40marks. If you can get 40marks from this, there is very much sure of you getting a B or an A at the end. See Full Details on how to do your practical report below.
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MCB 200.1 Practical Lab Report Outlines
This is a summary that would cover 50 to 100 words. Include the name of the unknown organism in the abstract and list tests that are important in identification and/or other important facts.
The introduction should cover around 300 words. In the introduction explain the following concepts:
- Normal Enteric Flora
- Enteric pathogens
- Description of enteric disease
- Purpose of identification
Materials used for the identification of the unknown organism
This covers the list of materials used in the laboratory during the practical. The materials include;
- Light microscope
- Bunsen burner
- Inoculating wire loop
- Gram stain reagent (crystal violet, gram`s iodine, 95% alcohol, safranin)
- Slides
- Unknown A or B or C
Methods used for the identification of the unknown organism
- The working area was disinfected with an antiseptic
- The wire loop was sterilized by flaming
- A drop of water was put on the slide and a loop full of culture inoculated with the sterile wire loop
Possible organisms you could identify
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Bacillus cereus
- Escherichia coli
- Enterobacter aerogenes
- Klebsiella pneuymoniae
- Proteus vulgaris
- Salmonella typhimurium
- Shigella flexneri
- Serratia marcescens
- Citrobacter freundii
Tests performed during the practical
- Indole Test
- Methyl-Red Test
- VP-Test
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Results gotten during the practical
In results, try to put it in a tabular form. The table will have column for Test, Observation, +/- Result and Interference
Using the Test Results, the unknown organism will be identified.
Discussion of findings
In discussion, the following are needed to be explained
- Explain how you identified the unknown organism
- Give reasons for differences between actual and theoretical results
- Indicate which tests were most significant in your discussion
- Include ecology, pathogenicity and full description of the unknown organism
Draw your conclusion on how the tests helped you to identify the unknown organism. How it can be controlled and prevented from harming other organisms.
Your references have to be on APA format that is; Author, Year, Title, Journal, Volume, pages.
Note: To earn your full mark, all bacterial names Genus is capitalized but species are not. Example; Proteus vulgaris.
Questions mostly asked by people:
What is Normal Enteric Flora?
What are Enteric pathogens?
Description of enteric disease or Describe Enteric Disease
What are the Purpose of identification of an Unknown Organism?
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