MTN Data Offer, MTN Data Subscription Code to get 4GB for N500 – Grab this Latest Plan and enjoy Free Data

MTN Data Subscription Code to get 4GB for N500 – We are BasedOnNews, your number one news channel that updates you on the rightful information you need. To all MTN users, there is a new data cheat that will help you get a whooping 4GD for 500 Naira. You can actually share this with your friends to enable them benefit or enjoy with you. Many spend a lot in buying data, but with this you save the money and stress you waste in buying data.
According to MTN, “People’s data needs have changed, we recognize that. Our customers need much more and we are delivering that for less.”
How to Activate or Get MTN Data Subscription Code for 4GB for N500
- Purchase a new MTN SIM, Register and activate it
- Migrate to MTN Yafun Yafun (Default Plan)
- Dial *131*1*1# then reply with 5 to get 2GD for N500
- The data, 2GB will be doubled to 4GB
- You will continually get double data on any data purchase for the next 4 months
Note: This new data plan will be valid for 48 hours. It is required you make key to this plan whenever you have something very vital you can do within the specified 48hours – 2 days validity period.
How to get MTN Data Subscription Code for 2GB for N1200 that lasts for 1 month (30 days) Click Here
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