National Student Financial Aid Scheme NSFAS Application Portal 2024
National Student Financial Aid Scheme NSFAS Application Portal 2024 – This is to inform the general public especially the students on the steps and guidelines to apply for the ongoing National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) to enable easy access to funds using the link portal provided in this article below
National Student Financial Aid Scheme NSFAS Application Portal 2024
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has opened applications for funding in the 2024 academic year. NSFAS provides financial aid to disadvantaged students from the poor and working class who meet eligibility criteria to study at public universities or TVET colleges.
All students who wish to study in any of the South African public universities and TVET Colleges should apply now and not wait until the last day. Students do not have to wait for their matric results in order to apply for NSFAS. Applications will close on 31 January 2024.
Who qualifies for an NSFAS bursary:
You qualify for an NSFAS bursary if you are a South African citizen who plans to study in 2024 or you are already studying at a public university or TVET college and you meet the following requirements:
a. South African citizens or permanent residents
b. SASSA grant recipients
c. Applicants whose combined gross household income is not more than R350 000 per year
d. Persons with disabilities whose combined gross household income is not more than R600 000 per year.
e. Must have email account and cell phone number.
Who should not apply?
Students who have already applied and received funding in previous years, have not yet graduated on their current qualification, and do not intend to change from one sector to another (TVET College to University or vice-versa).
They are automatically funded for the duration of their studies, provided they pass their modules and meet the academic requirements.
How to Apply
1. Applicants are to visit the application portal and Create a myNSFAS account or download the NSFAS App on Google Play or App Store. Your ID number will be your username
Click on the ‘Apply’ tab to update your personal information and upload your application supporting documents, as indicated.
3. Complete and Submit your application