NCS Recruitment 2025 Shortlists Full List of Shortlisted Candidates for Screening, Interview/Verification of Documents

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Nigeria Customs Service

Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) Recruitment 2024/2025 Full List of Shortlisted Candidates for Screening, Interview/ Verification of Documents, Date, Examination, Time and Venue for the NCS Physical Interview with Verification of document and confirmation of physical disability status, Logical Reasoning and Training for the Service – Finally, the long awaited list of shortlisted candidates for NCS Recruitment 2024/2025 is finally out and is now released for all that wrote the just concluded examination to check their names using the link below. CHECK IF YOU ARE SHORTLISTED FOR NCS RECRUITMENT 2024/2025 INTERVIEW/PHYSICAL SCREENING EXERCISE FOR DOCUMENTS VERIFICATION.

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Click Here to See How to Check if you are shortlisted for Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) Recruitment 2024/2025

Requirements and Documents Needed for Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) Interview/Physical Verification of Documents 2024/2025

The list of documents needed during Screening and Interview include:

Please come to the above venue with:

  • Original credentials including on-line print out of Examination/Interview invitation and passes slip that bears your passport photograph.
  • Two (2) recent passport photographs.
  • Two pairs of white (unmarked) round neck vests/navy blue shorts (without stripes).
  • Two pairs of pure white canvas/trainers (rubber type NOT acceptable).
  • Two white bed sheets/pillow cases.
  • One blanket (Grey or army green color).
  • A set of cutlery.
  • National dress or suit and casual wears.
  • Writing materials and proof of identification.

Note: Mobile phones and other electronic devices are not permitted during the Verification, Accreditation and Training Period.

NCS Recruitment Past Interview Questions and Answers: Tips you need to know on Document Verification/Screening Exercise

Is it true that the full list of shortlisted candidates for NCS Recruitment is out

Yes, the full list of Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) Recruitment successfully shortlisted candidates is out and ready for concerned persons to check.

How to check your name on the full list of shortlisted candidates for NCS Recruitment 2024/2025

This is to notify the General Public and candidates that applied for the 2024/25 NCS recruitment, that the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has shortlisted successful candidates and has sent out the Examination/Interview invitations.
For More details kindly visit below link to check your examination/interview invitation status.

To check if you are shortlisted Click here Click: or

Content of the Letter sent to successful candidates Email address

This message is in response to your application for the position into the Nigeria Customs Service. After careful consideration, we are pleased to inform you that you have been Successfully Shortlisted for Examination/Interview with Verification of document and confirmation of physical disability status, Logical Reasoning and Training for the Service.

This is to inform you that this letter will be null and void in case you do not report at your center on the Date and time specified in your invitation and passes slip.

Any candidate that fails to report on the indicated dates will not be accepted for Examination/Interview.

We hope to have a long successful professional relationship with you and wish you all the very best.

You are required to report for your Examination/Interview with Verification of document and confirmation of physical disability status, Logical Reasoning on (check your Examination/Interview invitation and passes slip for reporting DATE ).

Date for Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) 2025 Recruitment Screening, Interview/Verification of Documents

The date for the verification is contained in the letter sent to your mail. Nevertheless, the interview as well as verification of documents starts from Monday, 2025

Time for Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) 2024/2025 Recruitment Screening, Interview/Verification of Documents

The time for the NCS Aptitude Test or Examination is 9:00AM.

Venue for Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) 2022 Recruitment Screening, Interview/Verification of Documents

Every successful candidate for the NCS would see his or her venue for the aptitude test or examination. Also, the venue holds at all NCS state command headquarters nationwide.

Best way to be Updated


  1. Kedeji precious Lawrence says:

    Please is it true that ncs final shortlist is out ? If yes how do i check for my name if I’m shortlisted ?

    1. basedonnews says:

      check your email or via the link

  2. I have gotten a mail from NCS but they asked me to pay acceptance fee in order to print my venue slip. Is this message really from them?

    1. basedonnews says:

      Don’t pay yet please…


    Ï have also received a email from NCS asking me to pay 3500 before I print my venue and date please is it true from NCS ?

    1. basedonnews says:

      Don’t pay yet please

  4. Nnawowo Daniel C says:

    I have not received any email yet since January I sat for the examination. Pls what’s the update so far?

    1. basedonnews says:

      after the virus…

      1. ANOSIKE chukwudike Victor says:

        Please I made a payment of 3,599 to be able to see the date for interview and training but since then I made the payment I have not received any notification..
        What could be the problem

        1. basedonnews says:

          You wouldn’t have made the payment as it is not from the right source

  5. I have already pay hope am not DUP please

    1. basedonnews says:

      Let’s see the future of it soon after the lockdown

  6. Salihu Mahmoud Danjuma says:

    I have not see anything after the aptitude test
    Is there any update

  7. Usman lafiya says:

    I have also received a saying I should pay 3500 before I can print my slip

    1. basedonnews says:

      Don’t pay yet please as most persons that paid have not been notified

  8. Usman yusuf says:

    I received a message from ncs asking me to pay #3500 before I can print out my pass slip which I did so and yet up to date no payment receipt or pass slip send to me. Hope I’m not dupe?

    1. basedonnews says:

      U wouldn’t have paid as the site has not been fully programmed to assign date and venue… Hopefully, after this pandemic, they will kick off

  9. Philip Benjamin says:

    I also make payment tooo but I cannot print out the form also what did you think I should do

    1. basedonnews says:

      Wait till offices open so that you can go their office

  10. kanaladdeen mahiru says:

    Notify me when cbt results been out

  11. I have also paid the #3500 they say, but no link sent to me and also is it the training list because of the items needed?

    1. basedonnews says:

      maybe after the pandemic, it will be made known

  12. Can someone print out the interview slip now? I’ll appreciate your answers, thanks

    1. basedonnews says:

      No as everything is onhold

  13. I received a text message and an email on the 2nd of July 2020 that have been shortlisted that I should pay #3,500 to print out my pass slip to know the venue of the screening . Pls I will like to know if it’s genuine?

    1. basedonnews says:

      Don’t pay yet plz… Let everything normalize then you can pay

  14. I have been received a msg and email they ask me to pay 3500 for the acceptance fee on 09/07/2020 to print my pass slip for the interview.

    1. basedonnews says:

      Don’t pay yet if you have not as the interview venue won’t be sent due to coronavirus

  15. Pls we need more clarification about this issue if someone know or have a contact with them.

    1. basedonnews says:

      everything stabilizes after covid 19

  16. Omeokwe Charity says:

    Please I received a message 19 June tell me that my name is among the shortlisted ones that I should check me email for full information but upto now I have not seen email and I checked online they said congratulations please help me out someone should reply me please

  17. Omeokwe Charity says:

    Please I received a message 19 June tell me that my name is among the shortlisted ones that I should check me email for full information but upto now I have not seen email and I checked online they said congratulations please help me out someone should reply me please

    1. basedonnews says:

      Is possible your name is on the list… The fact is that everything will balance after covid-19 as the director said

  18. I also received a massage from Nigeria customs on 16 asking me to pay 3500 for my offer acceptance and print my slip what is the truth about these

    1. basedonnews says:

      It is real but don’t pay yet as the programme is onold

    2. basedonnews says:

      It is real but don’t pay yet as the programme is onhold

  19. But some are saying it’s scam cause Nigeria customs do not ask for money everything is free

    1. basedonnews says:

      I said do not pay yet if you have not my dear

  20. I received email and SMS for NCS that i am successfully shortlisted 4 Interview so I should pay 3500 for passes slip to print. I got this message twice both in my Gmail account and phone number. I paid the money they send me SMS again that I have successfully paid cash for the slip confirm status.

    NOTE. Due to issuer or switch of inoperative your exam/interview and passes slip will be sent to your Gmail within 24hours.
    Till now nothing show uf. Is it scam

    1. basedonnews says:

      Actually, NCS recruitment is onhold till everything normalizes but since you’ve paid, do not worry as whenever they comes back you won’t pay again

    2. Sayo Ogun says:

      Did you get the slip presented now? Cause I just got the mail too.

      1. basedonnews says:

        Don’t pay if you were asked to pay

  21. Are we going to present Guarantor form for the 2019/20 recruitment season

    1. basedonnews says:

      When the need arise

  22. Please i want to know if the service has started sending messages to the successful candidate that sit for the exam?

    1. basedonnews says:

      Yes, but for now it is on hold due to covid19

  23. Adjowa Suleman says:

    Good evening
    Pls I applied for the NCS but I didn’t get any msg yet should I be hoping

    1. basedonnews says:

      Just hold on my dear… the recruitment exercise is still on hold

  24. Olayiwola says:

    Please notify me when the final shortlist is out 2020/2021

  25. muhammed wahab says:

    i have wrote the NCS exam since jenuary and uptill now i didnt get any message pls is there any update someone just ans me pls

    1. basedonnews says:

      The update going around the internet is not from NCS office… As it stands everything is still onhold

      1. Adjowa Suleman says:

        I received the same email on Wednesday saying that am among the shortlisted people that I should pay 3500 before I can print out my slip
        Should I pay or not

        1. basedonnews says:

          Don’t pay… I repeat do not pay

  26. muhammed wahab says:

    i receive another message that am shortlist to ncs that i should pay and print out my venue,
    the first one i payed without printing,and now another massage again pls is it real ?

    1. basedonnews says:

      Please ignore… Do not even pay… they are scammers

  27. Suur Michael says:

    Good day,
    I received an e-mail and a text message on 3rd November, 2020 from requesting me to pay #3500 so as to enable me print my Examination Card/Pass and get a venue for Document Verification and Training for the service. I want to know if its legit as the lockdown is passed and activities are normalized now.

    1. basedonnews says:

      Please do not pay… It is not from the office

  28. muhammed wahab says:


    1. basedonnews says:

      Yes it is still onhold

  29. Adekoya Temiadara says:

    Pls, any update about the Ncs replacement exercise, are short listed applicant excepted to go to Abuja soon, awaiting your response pls

    1. basedonnews says:

      How did you get the information dear, can you send us a screenshot and the write up as stated and the source please. We are yet to affirm that from the authorities of NCS anyway

  30. Adekoya Temiadara says:

    Is there any training or verification coming next week that’s 16th December 2020 at Abuja, somebody should please verify for me

    1. basedonnews says:

      Hold on there is no confirm information on this please

  31. When will short list for 2020/2021 be out

  32. Odeyemi Waliyyulah taye says:

    I also received the congratulatory message twice through my G-mail saying have been shortlisted but am unable to print my slip which is really given me much concern.

    1. basedonnews says:

      Please don’t pay for anything…

  33. I paid with my bank details and was debited but it still showed me authentication failed and I tried again and was debited the second time and the response was still the same. When I then woke up on this 1st of Jan 2021. I saw numerous debit of 9900. As I am posting this my account is now empty. Am finished. I am going crazy.

    1. basedonnews says:

      So sorry for that… U wouldn’t have paid as the payment stuff is from scammers

  34. Please I just checked my NCS status now, it is successful, and there is no email to me or text.

    1. basedonnews says:

      Just leave it like that for now till there is an update

  35. Please what is the update on NCS? I didn’t received any message from them but when visit their site I saw a congratulation message for being shortlisted and I also heard a rumour that they have started a new recruitment for 2021. Please how true is this?

    1. basedonnews says:

      They are yet to finalize my dear…

  36. Good morning,

    Please i just received a mail and text message from NCS today for screening in gwagwalada on 10th Saturday July, 2021 and i was asked to pay N3500 for pass slip. I dont know how true is this please.

    Please can you confirm to me the authenticity of it?

    Thank you.

    1. basedonnews says:

      do not pay please

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