NNPC Recruitment 2021/2022: Apply for Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Jobs via www.careers.nnpcgroup.com
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) 2021 Recruitment currently ongoing, when is the closing date for NNPC massive job recruitment 2021, how do I apply for NNPC recruitment, what are the positions available for application in NNPC job recruitment 2021/2022 – This is the right portal as well as the right place to apply for NNPC massive job recruitment. Use the steps below to apply successfully to any of the available positions you wish to select.
NNPC Recruitment 2021/2022: Apply for Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Jobs via www.careers.nnpcgroup.com
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Positions available for application in NNPC recruitment 2021
- Graduate Trainee
- Senior Officers /Supervisory Cadre
- Managerial Cadre
NNPC Job Recruitment 2021 Location
The location of the job is in Nigeria.
Description of NNPC massive job recruitment 2021/2022
- Our graduate trainees are young men and women with little or no work experience. They undergo a structured Young Professionals Development (YPD) Programme that provides foundational development for building successful careers in NNPC.
- As a young graduate, the YPD programme will grow you into a well-rounded technical/business management professional in 3 to 5 years.
Job Roles
- Support the implementation of organizational processes.
- Support line managers/supervisors to develop and implement strategic work plans across diverse functions.
- Support delivery of project team assignments.
- Deliver cost-effective business outcomes.
Eligibility/Qualifications for NNPC Job Recruitment 2021
- NNPC welcomes applicants who hold any of the following qualifications in the disciplines listed below:
- Bachelor’s Degree in First Class/Second Class Upper Division
- Bachelor’s Degree in Second Class Lower Division and a completed Master’s Degree
- HND (minimum of Upper Credit) with a completed Master’s Degree.
- Science: Geology, Geophysics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Environmental Science, Basin Modelling, Surveying and Architecture.
- Engineering: Petroleum, Gas, Chemical, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Power, Software, Computer, Environmental, Marine, Materials/Metallurgical and Pipeline Engineering.
- Business/Management: Business Administration, Accounting, Banking and Finance, Insurance, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Maritime Management, Purchasing & Supply, Management Information System and Human Resource Management.
- Social Sciences: Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Geography, Public Administration and International Relations/Studies.
- ART/HUMANITIES: Mass Communication, English and History.
- Law: Law
Requirements needed for NNPC Massive Job Recruitment 2021
- Applicants must have graduated from an accredited University/Polytechnic/Monotechnic not earlier than 2014.
- Applicants must not be more than 28 years of age as at 31st December, 2018.
- Applicants must have completed the mandatory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Scheme at the time of this job application.
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Key Functional Competencies:
- Information Technology
- Personal Effectiveness
- Ability to Work in Teams
- Effective Communication
To Apply for Managerial Cadre in NNPC Recruitment 2021 Click Here to Apply
To Apply for Senior Officers/Supervisor Cadre in NNPC Recruitment 2021 Click Here to Apply
To apply for Graduate Trainee in NNPC Job Recruitment 2021 Click here to apply
Closing date for NNPC Massive Job Recruitment 2021
Application Deadline is: 26th March, 2021.
Important Notice to all applicants
- All applications must be completed online as paper applications are not acceptable.
- Applicants will be required to attach any relevant professional certification attained
- All applicants should please note that successful candidates may be required to work in any of our business locations across Nigeria.
- Please ensure that you apply for one job position only. Multiple applications will lead to nullification of all submissions.
- Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
- Note that NNPC will never ask you to pay any fee as regards to this job application
- To be regularly updated especially about everything about NNPC recruitment and other available jobs you can apply, kindly SUBSCRIBE TO THE SITE USING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS FOR FREE
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