NNPC/NOGICJQS Graduates Development Training Recruitment Application Form Portal 2023

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NNPC/NOGIC JQS Graduates Development Training Recruitment Application Form Portal 2023 – NNPC through NOGIC JQS (Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Joint Qualification System) is recruiting graduates for development training exercise in different fields. All you are expected to do is just to apply using the application link portal as provided in this article below

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NNPC/NOGIC JQS Graduates Development Training Recruitment Application Form Portal 2023


The Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited NNPC is constructing a 40° X 614km Ajaokuta Kaduna Kano Gas Pipeline and Stations (AKK). The Segment 2 of the project, covering a distance of 318.66km Is being handled by BrentexCPP Limited covering the Engineering, Procurement and Construction works. The AKK Gas Pipeline project is a section of the Trans- Nigerian Gas Pipeline Network, an integral part of the Nigeria Gas Master Plan.

AS a statutory requirement of the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board NCDMB on the AKX Gas Pipeline and Stations Project. GrentexCPP Limited is organising a Project Gated Human Capital Development Training for unemployed Nigerian graduates of all Geopolitical Zones via nogicjqs Application portal.

Thus, BrentexCPP LTd welcomes interested candidates who satisfy the criteria set below to apply for the training.

Areas of Training to be covered at NNPC / NOGIC JQS Recruitment

a. Welding

b. Pipe fittings

c. NOT


e. Pipeline Engineering

f. Health Safety & Environment Project Management with Prrevavers F6.

g. Business Analysis

h. Procurement and supply Chan management

i. Effective Communication Skills

j. Technical writing

k. Effective presentation skills

l. Understanding Local Content compliance

m. Leadership summit

Requirements for NNPC/NOGIC JQS Graduates Development Training Recruitment 2023

1. Applicants must be between the ages of 18 -35 years

2. Applicants must have graduated in the last five years.

3. Applicants are required to present a satisfactory fitness report from a recognized government medical institution

4 Applicants must have an active Bank account.

5. Applicants must have an active and valid identification numbers.

6. Applicant must have a valid letter of identification of the state and LGA of origin.

7. Applicants must have access to an active valid email address and a mobile phone.

Qualifications for NNPC/NOGIC JQS Graduates Development Training Recruitment 2023

a. Master’s and Bachelor’s degree/HND in Engineering and Physical Science

b. Master’s and Bachelor’ degree/HND in Humanities and Social Sciences

c. National Diploma or equivalent in Engineering and social science.

d. Secondary School Leaving Certificates (artisan.

How to Apply for NNPC/NOGIC JQS Graduates Development Training Recruitment 2023

Interested and qualified applicants should apply via the NOGICJQS portal link https://nogicjqs.gov.ng/accounts/sign-up

Note: Applications shall be done online on the HOGC JOS portal. To access the NOGKX JQS portal, you must first signup to the portal and after successful creation of your portal account, You must then update your profile information.

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