NNPC Regular Questions: Important Points you must Know before the Aptitude Test on 1st June, 2019

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NNPC Questions and Important tips or points to know before aptitude test on 1st June, 2019 – This article covers possible and regular questions you wouldn’t miss for your Aptitude Test. As your NNPC Aptitude Test is on Saturday, 1st June, 2019, there are vital questions and points you must note. The full important points you must know is well listed below and you must know all in your finger tips for a successful examination or aptitude test which will help you score well and qualify for the oral interview comes after the CBT Aptitude Test.

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NNPC Regular Questions: Important Points you must Know before the Aptitude Test on 1st June, 2019

NNPC stands for Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.

The Minister of State, Petroleum  is Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu.

The Group Managing Director of NNPC is Dr. Maikanti Kacalla Baru

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) is the state oil corporation which was established on April 1, 1977. In addition to its exploration activities, the Corporation was given powers and operationalinterests in refining, petrochemicals and products transportation as well as marketing. Between 1978 and 1989, NNPC constructed refineries in Warri, Kaduna and Port Harcourt and took over the 35,000-barrel Shell Refinery established in Port Harcourt in 1965.

In 1988, the NNPC was commercialised into 12 strategic business units, covering the entire spectrum of oil industry operations: exploration and production, gas development, refining, distribution, petrochemicals, engineering, and commercial investments.

Acronyms you must note

Currently, the subsidiary companies include:

  • Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC)
  • The Nigerian Gas Company (NGC)
  • The Products and Pipelines Marketing Company (PPMC)
  • Integrated Data Services Limited (IDSL)
  • National Engineering and Technical Company Limited (NETCO)
  • Hydrocarbon Services Nigeria Limited (HYSON)
  • Warri Refinery and Petrochemical Co. Limited (WRPC)
  • Kaduna Refinery and Petrochemical Co. Limited (KRPC)
  • Port Harcourt Refining Co. Limited (PHRC)
  • NNPC Retail
  • Duke Oil

In addition to these subsidiaries, the industry is also regulated by the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), a department within the Ministry of Petroleum Resources. The DPR ensures compliance with industry regulations; processes applications for licenses, leases and permits, establishes and enforces environmental regulations. The DPR, and NAPIMS, play a very crucial role in the day to day activities throughout the industry.

NNPC Mission

  • NNPC is an integrated Oil and Gas Company, engaged in adding value to the nation’s hydrocarbon resources for the benefit of all Nigerians and other stakeholders.

NNPC Vision

  • NNPC will be a world-class oil and gas company driven by shared commitment to excellence.

NNPC Core Values

  • Respect for the Individual
  • Staff development and growth
  • Integrity, transparency and accountability
  • Professional Excellence

The NNPC Group comprises of the NNPC Board, the Group Managing Director’s office, eight directorates, namely:

Exploration & Production, Refineries & Petrochemical, Engineering and Technical, Gas & Power, Commercial & Investment, Corporate
Services, Finance & Accounts and Business Development.

Each of the Directorates is headed by a Group Executive Director . Its Divisions are headed by Group General Managers while its ten
subsidiary companies are headed by Managing Directors.
NNPC has two partly owned subsidiaries and 16 associated companies.

Some Frequently Asked Question about NNPC

What is renewable energy?

Renewable is energy from a source which can be managed, so that it is not subject to depletion in a human time scale.

What is Green House Gases (GHG)?

GHGs are gases such as carbon mono-oxide and carbon dioxide whose presence in the atmosphere results in the earth’s surface being warmer than it would otherwise be (Global warming).

What is E10? How is it different from PMS?

E10 is a blend of 10% by volume Ethanol and 90% by volume Gasoline. E10 gasoline (also referred to as Gasohol) differs from PMS in that it
contains oxygen which results in more complete fuel combustion thereby reducing harmful emissions.

What is PPMC?

The Acronym: PPMC means Pipelines and Products Marketing Company Limited. It was incorporated in Nov. 1988 as a wholly owned subsidiary of NNPC. It commenced operation in Jan. 1989

What is the relationship between PPMC and NNPC?

PPMC is a subsidiary of NNPC. NNPC is a Federal Government Corporation created by the merger of Nigeria National Oil Company (NNOC and Ministry of Petroleum Resources through decree 33 of 1977.

How many depots does NNPC have and why are some of these depots not functioning?

We have 22 depots across the Country some are not functioning due to lack of products occasioned by pipeline vandalism and other supply

Why is Nigeria always experiencing fuel scarcity and what could be done to find a lasting solution?

Inadequate supply of products due to frequent breakdown of the local refineries, incessant pipeline vandalism and bureaucratic delays in
discharging imported products, strike actions by labour unions, product hoarding and diversion by unscrupulous marketers, Government’s policy on subsidy. Dependence on imported products and changes in market fundamentals of Crude Oil and Refined products in the International Markets.

What is the meaning of NGC?

Nigerian Gas Company Limited. It was established in 1984. with a vision to be the preferred Gas Company to its present and future customers.

Natural gas! Where do you get it from?

Natural gas is derived from crude oil wells and natural gas wells underground the bowels of the earth in the reservoir.

What are the advantages of natural gas over liquid fuel?

Natural gas is safe, clean, cheap, and environmental friendly.

When was NNPC established?

​The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) was established on 1st April, 1977

Some Investors are apprehensive about the Niger Delta crises, what do you think government can do to curb the crisis?

Government is already addressing the issues with emphasis on the development of the region through a comprehensive Niger Delta Master Plan. Besides, Government recently established a Ministry of Niger Delta to coordinate development of the oil producing region. This is in addition to the Niger Delta Development Commission (NNDC) which has been in existence close to a decade and currently making appreciable impact in the lives of the people of the Niger Delta. Above all, Government also recently granted amnesty to the militants in the region, a unique move that may enhance peace in the region.​

PPMC is a responsible Corporate Organization which has identified with its Host Communities through community assistance & sustainable development projects. It also carries out special programmes aimed at endearing her to her host Communities.​

What measures should be taken in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry to ensure that capacity building in engineering and fabrication is increased in the Oil and Gas Industry?

Strict compliance with the Local content initiative of the Federal Government, Deployment of the state of the art I.T infrastructure and Human Resources Development.​


What are the major challenges of PPMC?

  • Pipeline vandalism
  • Subsidy on imported products – loss in revenue
  • Cash crunch
  • Obsolete/old equipment
  • Continued encroachment on pipeline right of way
  • Lack of prerequisite number of personnel
  • Unscheduled shutdown of the refineries which results in disruption of products supply.
  • Difficulty in establishing Letters of Credit for Offshore purchase of critical spare parts.
  • Frequent invitation by members of the National Assembly
  • Favour seekers from powerful and influential Publics.​

It is widely alleged that PPMC staff connive and aid pipeline vandals in their nefarious act of vandalism

Pipeline Vandalism is a criminal offence for which nobody is immuned against. Available records have shown that over 5000 (five thousand) arrests have been made across the Country and to date, No, PPMC staff have either been arrested or implicated. The allegation is therefore unfounded.​

​What is the difference between the two types of gas?

Associated gas comes from crude oil wells along with other hydrocarbon and impurities like mud, water, sand etc. while Non-associated gas comes from dry gas well with little or no impurities.

Which of this gas does NGC market: Propane, Brutane or Acetylene?


How do you transport your gas to the users?

Gas is transported through the pipelines.​

​What are the advantages of natural gas over liquid fuel?

Natural gas is safe, clean, cheap, and environmental friendly.​

How to be updated on when the Result list of shortlisted candidates for Oral Interview is out

NNPC Regular Questions: Important Points you must Know before the Aptitude Test on 1st June, 2019


  1. Isaac Winner Ijeoma says:

    My name is ISAAC WINNER IJEOMA, i was fortunate to be one of those that were shortlisted for NNPC CBT TEST on 1st June 2019 and my center is at Lagos, but unfortunately,i gave birth two days ago and currently in Aba,Abia State and the Doctor said that i can not travel to Lagos with a two day old baby………..Sir/Madam,is their away i can be re-post to PORTHARCOURT OR OWERRI?…… for i really prepared for this exam

    1. basedonnews says:

      For now No… Contact the number on your form

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