Npower Failed Payment Payroll Status: Reasons for failed payment status and Solutions

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Npower Failed Payment Payroll Status: Reasons for failed payment status and Solutions – This article is written to help proffer solutions to the challenges faced by most of Npower Batch C beneficiaries as regards to payment of the stipend. Some are seeing failed on the payroll status which possibly means they have not been paid. This update will help you to resolve the issue and also outline the reasons why it was written failed.

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Npower Failed Payment Payroll Status: Reasons for failed payment status and Solutions

We all know that Npower payment has started and testimonies from people proves that the status of those with processing have been paid. However, as the payment continued, some beneficiaries were told that the reason why they are yet to be paid is because they are yet to validate their account on Nasims portal and are instructed to validate their account by editing their profile to add BVN record or call the nasims support line via the numbers below.

Though Npower has sent payment to Beneficiaries bank for disbursement and some beneficiaries payroll status has been on processing mode for the past 1 week. These categories of beneficiaries whose account is not validated might get failed payment status which simply means your bank tried to pay you but the payment failed because of one issue or the other which Nasims has addressed and proffered solutions.

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Solutions to all failed transactions and failed Npower Payroll status

According to Nasims, the occurrence of these FAILED transactions as encountered by some Beneficiaries were consequencial to the manifested technical glitch on the portal. On receipt of report, we swung into action and assure it will be generally resolved and outstanding September stipend paid to all deserving volunteers.

Alternatively, you may wish to Call 092203102 and provide Nasims support team your account details to help resolve this and other similar issues. Please, DO NOT drop your account details on comment section to avoid being compromised, Nasims said.

All inconveniences this may have caused you is highly regrettable. Thank you! From Nasims team!

However, from what Npower discussion group admin gathered on how some of you were able to fix the issue of invalidated account, we decided to share the tips here so that you can try it yourself.

Kindly follow the steps below to validate your account

1) Login to your dashboard

2) Click on deployment and check below the tab for a write up like “verify account’ click on it and insert your bank details and bvn

3) Then click on submit.

4) After that it will automatically download your PPA letter. Ignore the new download if u have done that before.

Logout and Login again, then check your dashboard profile to see if the BVN state ” provided” and invalid under provided. Kindly ignore that as your account details will display under. if that happens then u are done.

If that did not work for you, then call the nasims support line above until the attend to you.

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