Ondo State Government Bursary and Scholarship Board Award 2019/2020 Application Form commences – Apply Now – www.onssb.on.gov.ng
Steps on how to apply for Ondo State Government Bursary and Scholarship Board Award 2019/2020 Application Form – Officially, the Ondo State Bursary and scholarship Board Award 2019/2020 has started or commenced for all interested candidates to apply or register using the application steps below. This scholarship/bursary was instituted the state government to assist their children in different tertiary institutions. Follow the steps below to apply.
Your favourite site www.basedonnews.com wish to notify Students of Ondo state origin in all recognized Federal, State and private Tertiary Institutions in the Country that Application forms for Ondo State Government SCHORLARSHIP/BURSARY awards for 2019/2020 Academic sessions are available online for processing.
How much is Ondo State Government paying for the Bursary/Scholarship Award to successful candidates
A bursary award of #10,000.00 is given to each student of Ondo State origin in recognized tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
Requirements/Eligibility and Qualification for Ondo State Bursary/Scholarship Programme 2019
- To qualify for scholarship award, a candidate must have completed at least an academic session in the institution. This is because the performance of the prospective awardees in the first year examination determines his/her eligibility;
- The scholarship award is only renewable based on satisfactory academic performance on the part of the students;
- A student on part time, pre degree or certificate course is not qualified for either scholarship or bursary awards;
- Dishonesty, fraud, malpractices and/or any other form of misconduct will attract termination of the award.
How to Apply or Register for Ondo State Bursary/Scholarship Programme 2019
The procedure and method of application for scholarship/bursary are as follows in total compliance with the government policy of transparency accountability and due process.
- Applicants are to log on to www.onssb.on.gov.ng and get acquainted with bursary, scholarships and financial assistance available for application.
- Before you apply, ensure you read the Before You Apply page.
- Navigate to Scholarship tab and click on the grant you are applying for, below the page, download the Attestation Form which must be properly attested to by recognized personalities and come back online to upload the scanned document for submission.
- Click on Apply Now to start your application.
- Click on Register to create account and upon submission, a message will be send to the registered email address for activation.
- All medical and law related courses must be fill as medical and law respectively while filling the form for course of study.
- Scholarship and Bursary awards are restricted to registered full time students in recognized Federal, State and Private tertiary institutions in the country.
- Regular Scholarship award are purely for students in second year or above with a minimum CGPA of 4.0 in the Universities or 3.5 for HND and NCE students in Polytechnics and Colleges of Education respectively.
- Candidates for regular scholarships will be subjected to online aptitude test. (All students who passed the last aptitude test and received the scholarship are exempted from further examination, but must retain their CGPA of 4.0 or 3.5 as the case may be
- Physically challenged Students in tertiary institutions (with evidence of their disability) are qualified for the handicapped scholarship award.
- Bursary award is open to all bonafide Ondo State Students right from their first year in their respective higher institutions.
Ondo State Bursary/Scholarship Programme 2019 Screening Exercise or Verification Process
To forestall fraud or impersonation, each applicant is made to go through certain screening processes. The processes include the presentation of the following duly certified documents during verification and monitoring exercise by the board.
- The current school payment receipts.
- School identification card.
- Letter of identification from Head of Department of the candidate’s institution.
- Endorsement of the application form by accredited verifier in each institution.
- Verification and monitoring exercises by the board to confirm studentship.
Closing Date for Ondo State Bursary/Scholarship Programme 2019 Application
There is no date yet stipulated as closing date for Ondo State Bursary/Scholarship but as it stands now make use of this opportunity and apply for as time goes by, it will end.
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