Plateau State Government Latest Job Recruitment 2019/2020: Application Guidelines and Steps

Apply for Plateau State Government Job Recruitment 2019/2020 – This is to inform the general public of Plateau State Government Latest Job Recruitment 2019/2020 massive recruitment. Plateau State Government vacancy is open and out for everyone. All you need to apply for Plateau State Government recruitment are all contained in this article. SEE FULL DETAILS BELOW
Plateau State Government Latest Job Recruitment 2019/2020
Plateau State Government invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the position below:
Job Title: Procurement Consultant
Project ID: 51050; PLSNEWMAP/IC/19/1
Location: Plateau
Project: Plateau State Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (PLS-NEWMAP)
- This request for expression of interest follows the update of the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in UN Development Business issue of 27th April, 2012 and in Nigerian newspapers of 27th September 2012. As part of Governments commitment to transformation of the Nigerian socioeconomic landscape, a multi- sector project is being executed in Nigeria to mitigate the vulnerability to erosion and support the people as they relate to their land.
- The Nigeria Erosion and Watershed management Project (NEWMAP) is an 8 year multi sectoral and multi scale program that targets states with acute gully erosion. The project is involving many Federal and State Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MOAs), Local Governments, communities and civil Societies who are responsible for Planning, economy, finance, works, agriculture, water resources, forests, transport, power, emergency response as well as those focused on climate and hydrological information or watershed/basin regulation.
- In order to achieve this, the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has received a Procurement Notices Erosion & Watershed Management Project of US$500 million from the International Development Association (IDA) for the implementation of Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project.
- Plateau State which is participating in the implementation of the project intends to use part of the proceeds of the credit for Engagement of an individual procurement consultant.
- The main objective of this assignment is to guide the SPMU in ensuing that project implementation is done in line with the guidelines of the World Bank/IDA and within the consideration of government bureaucratic procedures without creating conflicts that could be inimical to the smooth implementation of the project.
Scope of Service:
- To achieve the core objectives of this assignment, the consultant will develop a work plan to ensure the completion of the tasks listed below in a manner consistent with the international best practice and in accordance with the project agreement and World Bank procurement guidelines.
Procurement of Goods and Works:
- Receipt/Opening of offers
- In conjunction with the relevant committee, carry out detailed evaluation of bids/proposals received.
- Prepare evaluation report and present same to relevant authorities and the World Bank for “No Objection” approval.
- Prepare Contract Documents.
- Ensures contracts are managed appropriately to successful completion within the contract period.
- Preparation of Project Work Plans and Procurement Schedules for Goods and Works using appropriate procurement methods agreed with the Bank.
- Provide guidance to technical experts responsible for the preparation of Technical Specifications for Goods
- Provide guides to technical experts responsible for the preparation of bill of Quantities/technical specifications for Works
- Solicit Bidders Vendors through drafting and Advertising of IFB
- Prepare Bidding Documents
- Manage sales and follow up of Bidding Documents
Procurement of Services
- Preparation of Project Work Plans and Procurement Schedules for Services using appropriate selection methods that agreed with the Bank
- Provide guidance and where necessary participate in the preparation of Terms of Reference. Submitting TORs for World Bank review and No-Objection.
- Prepare and seek Bank’s No Objection on all EOI before advertisement.
- Organize Pre-Proposal Conference where necessary
- Preparing Request for Proposals and submitting for review and No Objection of World Bank
- Participate in the Evaluation of EOls and preparing the reports for submission to the World Bank for review and no objection.
- Participate in the Evaluation of technical and financial Proposals and preparing the report for submission to the World Bank for review and no objection.
- Ensure that a Consultants database is maintained by the project.
Implementation Supervision
- Develop and discuss alternative solutions to identified problems.
- Explore the most viable solution and discuss this with the FMF (PMU)
- Assist in the application of the agreed corrective measures
- Provide hands-on training to the PMU on implementation matters covering procurement, disbursements, report writing, etc.
- Conduct post-implementation review
- Participate at meetings aimed at improving project implementation
- Any other responsibility relating to the project as required by the Project Coordinator.
Institutional Framework:
- The consultant is to report to the Plateau State Project Management Unit (SPMU). The SPMU will be the interface of the consultant in addition to the corresponding federal level institutions, the World Bank, a number of key state institutions involved in soil erosion and watershed management. These include:
- The FME;
- The Federal Ministry of Water Resources (FMWR), with the River Basin Development Authorities (RMDAs), the Federal Integrated Water Resources Management Commission, the Federal Hydrological Services Agency, and the State Water Resources Ministry;
- The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD), with the multi-sector Federal Sustainable Land Management Committee; (d) the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and
- Federal Ministry of Works. Additional federal institutions are also involved including Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET) and the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA)
The Consultant will produce the following reports:
An Inception Report:
- The inception report shall outline the work plan of the procurement activities, define its tasks, the planned implementation periods, schedules and identify target submission dates of reports on each task. Particular attention will be given towards the planned coordination within other teams and preparation of a detailed schedule of tasks in chart form. The inception report once approved and issued in its final form, will serve as the consultancy’s baseline for the management and monitoring of the tasks.
A monthly progress report of the activities carried out within the month:
- The Consultant shall prepare consolidated Monthly Progress Reports covering progress towards achieving the objectives of the assignment as well as identify areas of weaknesses and strategies for improving procurement implementation. The reports shall provide a brief but comprehensive end-of-month progress assessment. The reports shall include a tabulated and graphical representations of physical and financial progress compared with the work program and cash flow forecasts, relevant photographs and details bottlenecks and mitigating measures. These reports shall be submitted within the first week of the succeeding month. The report will be assessed by the Project Coordinator.
Quarterly Progress Reports:
- These reports shall make use of the information previously reported monthly, but suitably modified to include; summaries, and conclusions drawn on all pertinent issues concerning the assignment. In addition, the Quarterly Progress Reports shall summarize the Consultant’s activities, with solutions adopted. financial implications and any other relevant information considered necessary in respect of the services delivery. Each of these reports shall be submitted not later than the 7th day when they are due.
Clients Obligation
The client is to provide the following facilities:
- Office accommodation. Office equipment, furniture, ICT facilities
- Relevant available published information
Conduct of the Consultant:
- The Consultant will not, under any circumstances, discuss, divulge or use any information regarding this assignment or any other transaction conducted without the express written permission of an authorized representative of Plateau State NEWMAP.
- The consultant must not have a conflicting assignment with government agencies, development partners etc. if a conflict of interest is discovered, the contract shall be terminated.
- The consultant must avoid all potential conflict of interest situation.
- The Consultant will, at all times, be expected to carry out the assignment with the highest degree of professionalism and integrity. The Consultant will be expected to conduct his duties in an open and transparent manner.
- The Consultant will not, under any circumstance, take any actions or be seen to be taking any actions, which may hinder or prevent the State NEWMAP from executing this assignment.
- The Consultant will study all Plateau State NEWMAP guidelines and policies, and will be expected to ensure that the assignment is concluded with the strictest adherence to all such policies and regulations.
- The Consultant will not, under any circumstances, take any material decision pertinent to this assignment without the express permission and written consent of the Project Coordinator or of an authorized representative of the Plateau State NEWMAP.
Duration of Service
- The duration of the assignment is 261 days in the first instance and could be extended based on satisfactory performance.
Selection Criteria
Plateau State Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (PLS-NEWMAP) now invite eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualification and relevant experience to perform the services:
- Task! Project management skills;
- Strong communication skills in presenting, discussing and resolving difficult issues, both orally and in writing, and excellent listening skills;
- Ability to deal sensitively with a multi-cultural environment and build effective business relationships with clients and colleagues within a matrix management environment;
- Ability to function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams with a matrix management environment;
- Exceptional degree of integrity, judgment and tact in handling the most sensitive, diverse and confidential material.
- Understanding of Bank business objectives, policies and practices related to project/sector and critical links to procurement is desirable.
- Knowledge and experience in e-procurement will be an added advantage
- A Master’s degree with a major in a relevant discipline (e.g. Engineering, Law, Procurement, Purchasing and supply, marketing management, Finance, Business or Commerce) anc relevant training in procurement work.
- At least five (5) years of direct relevant work experience as Procurement Specialist or alternatively, having had responsibilities with a substantial content & his/her position in the procurement area in or outside the World Bank;
- Good knowledge of all concepts and principles of and approaches to international procurement, and of public procurement systems;
- Knowledge and understanding of technical, commercial and legal aspects of procurement at all phases of Bank lending operations;
- Demonstrated analytical clarity, problem-solving skills and negotiating skills with ability to balance project objectives and procurement requirements with client needs;
Remuneration of the consultant is attractive and commensurate with those offered by International bodies for similar assignments. It shall however, be based on a negotiated monthly salary.
How to Apply for Plateau State Government Recruitment 2019/2020
Interested Consultants should forward their Expressions of Interest in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by email):
State Project Coordinator,
Plateau State Newmap Office,
No 17, Apollo Crescent, GRA Jos,
Plateau State, Nigeria.
Telephone: +2348067761908, +2348094304294
Note: Write on the Envelope boldly “Expression of Interest for Procurement Consultant”.
Closing Date for Plateau State Government Recruitment 2019/2020
Application Deadline is 12th August, 2019.
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