Secret Steps and Successful Tips on How to Write, Answer & Pass Post UTME Questions for a High Score that will earn you Admission this year
POST UTME SUCCESSFUL STRATEGY TO SCORE HIGH, Secret Steps and Successful Tips on How to write, answer and pass Post UTME Questions for a High Score that will earn you Admission this year – “Action” as we all know speaks louder than voice… It’s high time you stop saying I will blow high score in Post UTME while folding your arms. The race is much… Millions of people passed JAMB and thousands of them aspire for the same course you are going for with better grades (JAMB Score) even than you and hundreds would be selected after the POST UTME Examination. Do you see, you got to flap your arms and legs… Get to work my dear. Don’t be overwhelmed with your JAMB score as the finals, is determined by your Post UTME score.
I am not trying to make you scared but I am trying to inculcate into you the spirit of dexterity and never getting tired. Getting admission this year lies on your hands now. You make the decision. Tell yourself what you want to score and work towards it. Hard work speaks after the D-Day – so to speak.
The successful tips and secret steps below will help you understand how to get what you want if you will work towards it.
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Secret Steps and Successful Tips on How to Write and Answer Post UTME Questions for a High Score that will earn you Admission this year
This includes the following:
Confirm the Cut Off Mark for the School and Department you are aspiring for
This is a very first vital step to take first. If your JAMB score merits the institution you selected during your JAMB registration, what about the department. You can’t score 180 and you will be expecting Medicine and Surgery unless you want to see how it will be maybe miracle will happen. Your JAMB Score is always calculated with your POST UTME Score then divided by two to get your average. If one score 180 for instance, you are expected to score close 360 in your Post UTME then you maybe considered for admission. To me I think if your score is not high in JAMB, it will be better you do JAMB CHANGE OF COURSE OR INSTITUTION – to enable you select a lower course or department.
When you have known the Departmental cut off mark, then encompass your mind now with what you have to score to meet up, then work towards it.
Get the School Post UTME Past Questions and Answers of your Department
It is mandatory you get the School Past Questions and Answers of your Department. This will enable you to prepare very well in line with the Syllabus or topics. Use the past questions to learn or study how the questions is and prepare yourself towards it. Use the past questions to test yourself… Make sure you cover all the years. Make sure you understand every questions and attempt all. Then confirm most answers from your Text Books. Train yourself also with the past questions by timing yourself on how many minutes or seconds you spend in answering one question as well as all the questions.
Study how to make use of computer and work on your Speed
I know you know how to operate computer, but this time around try practicing it online and work on your Speed. Speed matters a lot. Many knows what to do but there is no enough time to access it. If for instance, 30 minutes is allocated for 40 questions, divide your 30minutes by 40, you will see you are having 45 seconds for each question. Spend less time in non-calculating subjects to enable you use the time for calculating subjects. Time matters a lot. Don’t leave any question unanswered, even if you don’t know it, tick something. You can come back and change it if time permits.
Click Here to see how to answer Post UTME Questions in less than 30 minutes
Eat good food
Food is a very good substance whether solid or liquid needed by everybody. It helps to replenish worn out tissues. It helps in regaining strength for more activities (studying) to be carried on. If you eat very well, you will be energized to read more. Don’t eat food that will make you to be dozing while reading or to sleep too much rather eat light and nourishing food for efficiency.
Click here to see smart foods to eat for smart learning
Believe in yourself
‘Believe in yourself, there is no limit to what you can achieve”. Most persons conclude they have failed even before the exam day. “This examination is going to be hard”, “This subject is very difficult”. This alone, demoralizes and kills zeal of reading or preparing for the exam. “I don’t think I can do this…”
Who said you can’t not do it. You can only do exploit if you believe and trust yourself. Give yourself time and study very hard, anyone you didn’t understand ask question on time – as answers would be provided as far as you asked the reasonable people. Always say this “I CAN DO IT!” “I’M NOT A FAILURE” three times and believe you can, believe me, you will do exploit. Some who have believed themselves did excellently well in their exams. You are really ready to be successful, check out the next step…
Locate your venue on time
Venue which is the place you are to take your Jamb examination. You are required to have visited the place before the date of your exam as it will help you to determine how many minutes or hours you will spend while going there, also to know how early you will wake up on that day. Always go there before the exam start. If truly you don’t want to waste your efforts or sleepless night, all because of lateness to the venue, adhere to this instruction. The negative effect of lateness has caused a lot to people. If you arrive very late to the venue, you may be denied of the right to take your exam. It is vital and mandatory that you locate your venue on time, sit and wait for the exam to start and not the reverse (exam waiting for you). You are really a good student… check out to see last step that you must not miss.
Don’t plan to indulge in any examination malpractice
Indulgence in examination malpractice renders your efforts useless. Ask yourself this; What if I’m caught? It totally means that you will wait for another one year before you will be eligible to write again that is if you are not jailed.
If you are caught in that immoral act, it leads to final cancelation of your result. JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND YOU CAN DO IT.
Avoid any form of examination malpractice, write the exam and comment your score below…
As a good student you are, follow these steps and adhere to the instructions, then consider yourself a success in the forthcoming examination.
We hope you learnt from this… If you have any question, we are always ready to answer them.
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