Solutions to Npower Batch C2 Deployment /Posting Letters & PPA Issues – A Must Read by all Beneficiaries
Solutions to Npower Batch C2 Deployment /Posting Letters & PPA Issues – We have noticed the challenges faced by our indefatigable viewers and followers as regards to Npower Batch C Stream 2 deployment Letter Printing, Posting Letters Print Outs, Submission of Posting Letters, Being Posted to a LGA far from your residence, being posted to a state that is not your state of residence, Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) not signing or accepting, not deployed yet, cannot find deployment letter or posting letter on your nasims dashboard, not being able to download PPA letter, unable to upload your PPA Letter to your dashboard. Today, we bring you good news. So Read on!
Solutions to Npower Batch C2 Deployment /Posting Letters & PPA Issues – A Must Read by all Beneficiaries
When it comes to things that concerns you, consider it that we all here at BasedOnNews are very passionate at trying to resolve anything that will jeopardize your joy or happiness.
You’ve done your thumbprint or biometrics, yet you can’t find your PPA Letter.
Read Also; Npower Batch C Stream 2 Deployment / PPA Letter Download and Printing via NASIMS Portal
This solution also cut across both Graduate section (N-Teach, N-Agro and N-Health) and Non-Graduate section (N-Knowledge, N-Tech, N-Build, N-Creative) etc.
All the challenges you have, we’ve tried to proffer solutions the possible ways we could… Good luck!
I am an Npower Batch C Stream 2 but yet to be deployed or posted
For beneficiaries that have not been deployed, please exercise patience as deployment is still in progress…
I was deployed or posted outside my Local Government or state of residence, what do I do?
If you were deployed outside your Local government or state of residence, please meet your State Focal Person for re-deployment except for N-knowledge beneficiaries (N-creative and N-Tech) who were posted according to their geo-political zones.
I am under N-Knowledge (N-Creative, N-Tech or N-Build) but I cannot download my PPA or deployment Letter, How do I resolve it?
N-Knowledge (N-Creative, N-Tech or N-Build) beneficiaries, please note that you cannot download your deployment or posting letter. Therefore, make a screenshot of your deployment or print out your deployment tab from cyber cafe and take it to your training center.
I am under N-Teach, N-Agro or N-Health but I cannot download my PPA or deployment Letter, and I cannot print out my PPA Letter as it is blank, How do I resolve it?
For Graduate beneficiaries (N-Teach, N-Agro or N-Health) having difficulties in printing out their PPA letter or notice the print out is blank, please be patient as our (Npower) technical team is already working to rectify it.
If you have any challenge, you can easily drop it on the comment section below
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