UK Youth Fund Covid Resilience Application Form: UK Loan Grant of £50,000 and more

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UK Youth Fund Covid Resilience Application Form: UK Loan Grant of £50,000 and more – This is to officially inform the general public of UK Youth Fund Covid Resilience Grant Loan that is currently ongoing for all to apply using the application link portal in this article below.

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UK Youth Fund Covid Resilience Application Form: UK Loan Grant of £50,000 and more

The UK Youth Fund Covid Resilience has been established in partnership with the Julia & Hans Rausing Trust to ensure the sustainability of grassroots youth organisations that have struggled due to the pandemic.

Funding is offered to facilitate the reopening and continuation of youth provision to pre-pandemic levels.

Eligibility for UK Youth Fund Covid Resilience Grant Application Form

To be Eligible to Apply your Organisation must:

  • Be based in and operate in England.
    • Have an annual income of less than £250,000 showing in your last annual accounts
    • Operate from a consistent space or venue where young people can meet regularly and participate in ongoing youth work activities (centres that are temporarily closed
    due to Covid-19 are still eligible to apply).
    • Have as its primary purpose the running of services benefitting children/young people.
    • Deliver youth work through a range of services/activities (or if focused on one activity,
    e.g. sport, delivers this within a youth work context that focuses on personal and
    social development).
    • Have been operational for at least two years, was financially viable before the impact
    of the pandemic and can provide annual accounts to demonstrate this.

Read; Click Here to see other FG Loans and Grants that are ongoing to apply for

Your organisation is not eligible to apply if:
• You are a uniformed youth group.
• You have received a grant from the Julia & Hans Rausing Trust in the last 6 months.

What can I spend the money on?

You can spend the grant on essential business expenditure that you expect to incur between 1st August 2021 – 31st January 2022, such as staff salaries, and fixed/operational costs, including:
• Rent.
• Utility and insurance costs.
• Facility or necessary equipment costs that will not be capitalised in your accounts.
• Core staffing costs (including youth workers).
• Equipment to ensure compliance with public health requirements.
• Professional fees (e.g. accountancy).
• Other basic expenses (e.g. travel, marketing, stationary).
You will not be able to spend the grant on:
• Retrospective costs incurred before 1 August 2021.
• Operating costs beyond 31st January 2022.
• Redundancy costs.
• Capital expenditure.
• Entirely new projects/activity that are not essential to your continued operations and
that you have not previously delivered as part of your core provision.
• Covering costs/losses already supported through other sources, including any
Government schemes (e.g. furlough).
• Costs related to campaigning or the promotion of political or faith beliefs.

How much funding will you be awarding overall?

We expect to award grants up to the value of £1,360,000

UK Youth Fund Covid Resilience Application

To access the application form you need to register first so that we can create your
organisation passport. An organisation passport is a new way of storing your charity’s or
group’s information. This means that any time you apply to a fund in the future, you can
reuse the information you entered previously.

Each time you apply to a new fund you will see the data automatically populate the application form. By using this innovative new grant application format we will never have to ask you the same question twice and the time you will need to spend on applying for funding will be considerably reduced.


For more Information: Visit the website for UK Youth Fund Covid Resilience 

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