WAEC Result: What does Held, Withheld, Outstanding, No Result for this Candidate and Others Mean

WAEC Result meaning of held, withheld, outstanding and others, See the meaning of “Held”, “With-Held” and “Outstanding”” No Result For This Candidate in the specified year – This article will help you understand and know the meaning of some certain write-ups you may see or you have seen in your result online. SEE FULL DETAILS BELOW.
The essence of this article is to enable all candidates know their stand, or the meaning and definition of terms written on their WAEC Result while checking it online after being released.
What does “Held” mean in WAEC Result?
WAEC Results online or printed out with “Held” as a statement simply means that a written remark or write-up was seen on your answer booklet as regards to malpractice or other examination offenses.
The chance of possibility of the result with the statement “HELD” being released is “SLIM”
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What does “WITHHELD” mean in WAEC Result?
WAEC Results online or printed out with “With-Held” as a statement simply means that the almost all the candidates in a particular centre had same grade. This calls for an investigation by WAEC officials to examine truly if the candidates indulged any form of examination malpractice during the course of the examination. Sometimes they would not release the result if the school is found guilty of such act but most times, it will be released if there is a change of heart by the officials
The chance of possibility of the result with the statement “WITH-HELD” being released is “SLIM”
What does “OUTSTANDING” mean in WAEC Result?
WAEC Results online or printed out with “With-Held” as a statement simply means that is recorded present in exam which he or she partook in but the mark on the subject(s) are not concluded. This could be as a result of extra sheet, that is, when the answer sheet booklet was not properly attached or some other reasons.
The chance of possibility of the result with the statement “OUTSTANDING” being released is “MEDIUM”
What does “No Result For This Candidate in the specified year” mean in WAEC Result?
“No Result for this candidate in this specified year” simply means that you are suspected of examination malpractice but if you are not guilty of any examination malpractice, there is high possibility or chance of the results being released.
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