When will Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUOE) Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Batch ‘B, C, D, E’ Admission List 2023/2024 be released | How to Check your name on the List – www.iauoe.edu.ng
When will IAUOE Admission List 2023/2024 for Batch 2, 3, 4 and 5 be released or when will it come out, How to Check your name on Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUE) Admission List 2023/2024 – After the release of First UTME Admission List or Batch ‘A’ IAUOE Admission List for 2012/2023 session, there will be Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Batch (Batch B, C, D, E) Admission List. The date and how to check your name on second, third, fourth list and fifth Batch (that is, batch B, C, D, E) IAUOE Admission List is stated here clearly below, to enable you check your name successfully or even download the admission list.
Note this: If you have not uploaded your O’Level, do that now, locate any JAMB Accredited CBT centre and upload as no admission will be given to you, if you have not uploaded your O’Level either WAEC or NECO. Do well now and upload your O’Level and save yourself of writing another JAMB.
When will IAUOE Second Admission List (Batch ‘B’ or 2) 2022/2023 come out or be released
IAUOE Second Admission List is what comes out after Merit List or First Admission List (Batch A) has been released. It comes out 2 – 3 weeks after the release of First Admission List. Mostly, IAUOE Admission list is published on Fridays, or midweek, therefore 2 – 3 Fridays ahead the first list, it will be released.
When will IAUOE Third Admission List (Batch 3 or ‘C’) 2023/2024 come out or be released
IAUOE Third Admission List is what comes out after Second Admission List (Batch 3) has been released. It comes out 2 – 3 weeks after the release of Second Admission List. Mostly, IAUOE Admission list is published on Fridays, or midweek, therefore 2 – 3 Fridays ahead the second list, it will be released.
Will another admission list come out after Third List
After third list (Batch 3), fourth list will be released and possibly fifth list depending on the number of candidates that uploaded their O’Level and are also considered worthy to be admitted.
When will IAUOE Fourth Admission List (Batch 4 or ‘D’) 2022/2023 come out or be released
IAUOE Fourth Admission List is what comes out after Third Admission List (Batch 3) has been released. It comes out 2 – 3 weeks after the release of Third Admission List. Mostly, IAUOE Admission list is published on Fridays, or midweek, therefore 2 – 3 Fridays ahead the third list, it will be released.
When will other IAUOE admission list (Fifth List – Batch 5 or ‘E’) come out or be released
IAUOE Admission List (Fifth List) for 2023/2024 session comes out 2 – 3 weeks after the release of Fourth List.
Cut off mark for IAUOE Admission List
Cut off mark is arranged according to candidates’ performances. The rate at which students pass will determine how the cut off mark will be arranged.
There is possibility of someone that did well in Post UTME to get admission (in addition to his/her grades in O’Level) not withstanding if he or she scored high in JAMB.
How to check your name on IAUOE Admission List 2023/2024 (First, Second, Third, Fourth & Fifth Lists or Batches)
To check your name on admission list, you are required to do the following:
- Visit iauoe.edu.ng
- Click on Admission list Batch I or ‘A’ (Merit List) or Batch II, III, IV (B, C, D) (Supplementary List) etc
- Type your JAMB Registration Number or Surname
- Then Click Search
- If your name is there it will be highlighted
In case you did not see your name, don’t panic as you can still check your name on other lists.
Also, to confirm if you are admitted, as sometimes admission can be given to you without you knowing, that is, not yet published, KINDLY CLICK HERE
We can equally assist you in checking your name on the Admission List, to check your name comment below stating your JAMB Registration Number and also your phone number so that you can easily be communicated to.
If you are admitted Congratulations, Click Here to see the processes to register and amount to be paid to avoid being cheated. Also, contact the phone number there or here for your registration at cheaper rate and faster
You can call Sam on 08169777654 for directives, questions and enquirer.
How to be updated regularly on IAUOE Admission List especially when it is released online
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