Npower Batch C Deployment PPA Letter and Physical Verification Issues and Solutions

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Npower Batch C Deployment PPA Letter and Physical Verification Issues and Solutions – Today’s latest news will bring solution to some Npower Batch C deployment PPA Posting Letter, not yet deployed, download of PPA deployment letter, upload of PPA Acceptance letter and Physical Verification Issues which are faced by some beneficiaries today. READ THROUGH TO SEE THE SOLUTIONS TO SOME ISSUES


Npower Batch C Deployment PPA Letter and Physical Verification Issues and Solutions

This was written to serve as a solution and guide to most questions asked by our ever respected viewers.

I did biometrics but yet to be deployed is there still hope?

Answer: Yes! Deployment is still ongoing

Why is my deployment letter not downloading?

Answer: You might be experiencing difficulty in downloading your deployment letter because of the massive traffic on the portal. Keep trying and make sure you use a strong browser and network connection.

What is the difference between the Npower acceptance letter and the deployment letter?

Answer: Npower Deployment letter is the letter required by all deployed Npower beneficiaries to print from the nasims portal dashboard signifying their PPA posting while the Npower acceptance letter is the accepted and signed copy of the deployment letter by a Volunteers PPA supervisor.

When is Npower physical verification exercise commencing?

Answer: Npower batch C Physical Verification date is 10th September 2021.

How do I check my physical verification location?

Answer: visit the deployment page on your nasims portal dashboard and click download deployment letter.

Can Npower beneficiary redeploy from one State to Another?

Answer: it is possible but you have to contact your state focal person or contact the Npower support team via the self-service portal.

Can a Npower beneficiary change PPA?

Answer: yes Npower beneficiary can apply for redeployment if rejected from his first PPA, CLICK HERE to see How To Apply For Npower Redeployment

How can a Npower beneficiary redeploy from one PPA to another?

Answer: by uploading rejected deployment letter and apply for redeployment via the nasims portal dashboard. Open the link in line 7 to read the details.

What do I do if the program I selected is not available in my location?

Answer: Normally if the program you selected is not available in your location, you will be asked to select a new program via the nasims portal dashboard.

What is the solution to login errors?

Answer: use a strong network connection or an opera mini browser.

Is there still hope for Npower stream 2?

Answer: Yes there is still hope.

When will stipends payment for Npower batch C commenced?

Answer: When the deployment exercise is completed probably by September/October 2021.

Between Physical Verification and acceptance letter signing and upload which comes first?

Answer: Physical Verification. However, if you have done the acceptance letter upload no problem.

How much is Npower beneficiaries’ monthly allowance?

Answer: N30.000 for graduates and N10.000 for non-graduate

What is Npower PPA?

Answer: Npower PPA is the Place of Primary Assignment where a Npower volunteer is posted to serve.

How to be Updated Regularly


  1. Hi..there is a new twist to this deployment download brouhaha. When I clicked download deployment letter, it displayed my physical verification location. In fact it displays it and has a “close’ link. The development of the site in the first place is to ease the entire process. Now it is looking like a futile effort.

    1. basedonnews says:

      Normally, you are meant to have done your physical verification before being deployed… So go for your physical verification then the download link will be made available for you

  2. Suleiman gambo salisu says:

    I have been posted and I have download my PPA after after 2days i check my self portal to upload my acceptance letter and I have seen that sorry you have not been deployment yet pls check back letter

    1. basedonnews says:

      Do not fear, they want you to be verified physically before it will be reactivated. Meanwhile, you are not the only one

  3. Yakubu Janet says:

    I did my physical verification and it was successful but my problem now is my PPA letter doesn’t want to download, it’s showing me that my date of birth doesn’t match with my bvn details and my national ID,my bvn details are correct . Please what do I do I’m so worried.

    1. basedonnews says:

      Have you been posted to a place? Check the date of birth you used and see if it corresponds… If it doesn’t go to your bank and change it to correspond or you reach out to Npower officials

    2. I have done everything necessary coming back to my dashboard I just realized my PPA Address has changed what do I do

      1. basedonnews says:

        Nothing… work with the new one it was changed to

        1. matthew kememoepigha says:

          my name is matthew kememoepigha and my email is matthewkememoepigha…I was asked to provide my upload my acceptance letter today n yet to take physical verification at the given time…wat should I do coz when I get to where I was directed,it is ended

          1. basedonnews says:

            Have you been paid?

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