UNIPORT GES 102 – Answers to the GES 102 – Logic and Philosophy Workbook Part IV
Uniport GES 102 Part IV – GES 102 as we all know has been initiated as a compulsory course by NUC to all departments in the University of Port Harcourt and even to other schools at large. It is a course where you are been taught Logic and Philosophy. This is where students who may not major in Philosophy are opportune to have knowledge of it. It is indeed the love of wisdom. Uniport does not play with the course as it is very compulsory that all students must pass it before graduating from the University.
Many have failed the course just because they were not informed or they were not updated with the right information. Always visit the site, www.basedonnews.com to get updates and similar questions that would come out in your exam. We have been doing it; that is helping students with the right information. We still believe we can.
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The GES 102 part IV is typically done to assist students in answering the questions in Unit Eleven. If you’ve answered yours and want to confirm if what you’ve done is correct, you can easily check the answers below. If you’ve not answered any, you can still use this as a guideline to answer yours. But in all, we advise you read the Textbook so that you can confirm the answers provided.
- The etymological definition of philosophy state that is a Greek word to show that philosophy took its origin from the city of Croton in Ancient Greece
- Accurate historical evidence on the part of African scholars however suggests that philosophy first began in Greece
- “We cannot step once in the same river” is associated with which philosopher. Answer: The Greek philosopher Heraclitus
- ______ and _______ are branches of metaphysics. Answer: Ontology and Theology
- Name the major divisions in the history of western philosophy. Answer: [a] metaphysics [b] epistemology [c] logic [d] aesthetics
- Metaphysics asks four fundamental questions namely: Answer: [a] What is life? [b] What is man? [c] What can I believe? [d] What can I hope for?
- According to Aristotle, reality is a combination of: Answer: [a] Matter [b] Form
- The pioneers of the discipline of ethics are: Answer: [a] Thomas Hobbes [b] Graeco
- Identify some of the major issues in medical ethics. Answer: [a] Artificial insemination [b] organ transplant [c] genetic engineering [d] Euthanasia
- What are the new areas of development in ethics. Answer: (a) Environment ethics (b) Media ethics [c] Business ethics
- In what sense is human nature the foundation of morality? Answer: In natural sense of morality that automatically follows from such a human nature, comes from within each individual and is based on respecting each other’s right to life
- What kind of rights are human rights? Answer: Human right
- Mention the number of characteristics of human right as presented by Wassertron? Answer: (a) Human right is absolute (b) Human right is immutable (c) Human right is inalienable
- Differentiate between development and growth. Answer: Growth entails an increase in quantity without a similar increase in quality while development is increase in quality which may or may not entail an increase in quantity.
- Name the obstacles to national development? Answer: Moral decadence and corruption
- What is inference? Answer: Inference is a systematic and procedural way of argument moving from one (premise) to another (conclusion)
- An argument is a group of statements including one or more premises and one and only one conclusion
- What is copula in logic? Answer: Copula in logic is the part of a proposition, be it one word or more which connects or couples the subject and predicate
- How is a Premise different from a conclusion? Answer: A premise provides the good ground for reaching a conclusion while a conclusion is derived from a premise.
- Differentiate between deductive and inductive argument? Answer: In deductive argument, we draw inference from general statement to particular statement while inductive arguments are arguments have premises that make a probable claim to assert their conclusions.
- Identify the three laws of thought? Answer: [a] law of contradiction [b] law of excluded middle [c] law of the principle or identity
- Name three properties of a categorical preposition? Answer: [a] It is always expressed in the indicative mood [b] It is always expressed in a particular tense [c] The predicate is always separated from the subject by a copula
- Translate into symbolic form the proposition. “It is not the case that Uniport students are only fashion conscious and that they are not academically serious”. Answer: ~[U~A]
- Symbolize the following statements. (a) “Students will pass logic only if they study hard”. Answer: L >H (b) Joy and James are lovers or Joy is lovely. Answer: J . Y (c) Mathematics is tough or logic is not a difficult subject. Answer: TvS
- There is no such thing as knowledge which cannot be carried into practice, for such knowledge is really no knowledge at all. Answer: Fallacy… Yes
- The Argentine national team that defeated the Super Eagles of Nigeria was a star team because all the players were star players. Answer: No valid argument. Reason – the premise matches the conclusion
- To allow every man unbounded freedom of speech must always be on the whole advantageous to the state; for it is highly conductive to the interests of the community that each individual should enjoy a liberty, perfectly unlimited, of expressing his sentiments. Answer: Fallacy: Yes. Reason: The argument cannot be on a whole advantage to the state, because if everyone express opinions, there will be rise in disagreement.
- All household pets are domestic animals. No unicorns are domestic animals. Therefore, some unicorns are not household pets. Answer: Fallacy: Yes. Reason for the Fallacy: Error in the content.
- Uniport students are brilliant. All Post HND students are brilliant. Therefore, all Post HND students are Uniport Students. Answer: Fallacy: Yes. Reason for the Fallacy: Error in the form
- No Christians are idol worshipers. Some idol worshippers are not Muslims. Therefore, some Muslims are not Christians. Answer: Fallacy: Yes. Reason for the Fallacy: Error in the form.
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We advise you read the Textbook as Exam questions will come out from the Textbook and as well the workbook.
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