FMARD – Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Recruitment 2019/2020 – The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) job recruitment is currently ongoing for all interested and qualified persons to apply using the steps below. The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD), in collaboration with International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), invites applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the positions as stated clearly below.
Positions available for application in FMARD 2019/2020
Job Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator – FGN/IFAD Climate Change Adaptation and Agribusiness Support Programme (IFAD-CASP)
Location: Katsina
Job Description
The Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator (MEC) will be responsible for overseeing activities under the Project Management component of the Project which pertain to tracking and evaluating implementation performance.
Reporting and Location:
The position will be based in Katsina, but will involve frequent travel to participating States
The MEC will report directly to the NPC
Details of the Contract:
Two-year contract, renewable if the project is extended and based on performance.
Duties and Responsibilities
Develop activities for the Annual Work plan and Budgets (AWPBs);
Develop the Programme M&E System on the basis of the programmes Logical Framework taking into account Government monitoring frameworks and IFAD RIMS methodology;
Organize and supervise focused baseline surveys at the beginning of the programme to be undertaken by a contracted institution;
Prepare an M&E Plan, including the programmes monitoring formats;
Establish indicators for outputs, outcomes and impact, monitor implementation processes and performance, and assess outputs and outcomes in line with Government and FAD RIMS guidelines;
Foster participatory planning and M&E by training and involving stakeholder groups;
Oversee design of a field-based system for the programme monitoring that incorporates the logical framework approach;
Prepare essential data to be included in quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports;
Monitor financial and physical progress as well as reporting back to stakeholders to create a better learning environment; undertake project and thematic evaluations;
Integrate the M&E system into the overall programme coordination and organization function into an MIS;
Ensure capture of intended impact as well as successes and failures; prepare reports and guide staff in preparing their progress reports;
Design and implement report formats so that all reports from service providers/implementing partners can be regularly and conveniently compiled/aggregated to contribute to overall programme results framework;
Organize and oversee annual review and planning workshops and preparation of annual work plans and budgets;
Inform and join supervision missions by screening and analyzing reports;
Select service providers where necessary and formulation of TORs and scope of work for the service providers
Supervise, monitor and certify the work of service providers for the various activities and assignments; and
Consolidate state progress reports and contribute to the drafting of periodic project progress reports of the PSO.
Master’s level or higher Degree in Agricultural Economics, Economics, Statistics or other relevant Degree;
Minimum of 7 years post-qualification experience including at least 4 years in planning, monitoring and evaluation of special projects;
Proven track record in managing and leading investigative teems;
Good communication and writing skills; and
Competence in the use of standard computer software applications for statistical analysis.
Job Title: National Procurement Officer – FGN/IFAD Climate Change Adaptation and Agribusiness Support Programme (IFAD-CASP) Location: Katsina
Background In pursuant of the Federal Government Agricultural Promotion Policy (APP) and the need to ensure self-sufficiency in domestic food production, the FGN/IFAD Climate Change Adaptation and Agribusiness Support Programme (IFAD-CASP) under the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development was set up to support Federal Government’s strategic vision for growth and development through strengthening of the agricultural sector in order to increase food security, accelerate economic growth and reduce vulnerability for smallholder farmers particularly women and youths.This development initiative is anchored on promotion of Agriculture Productivity Enhancement of seven (7) crops which are Rice, Wheat, Maize, Sorghum, Millet, Cowpea and Groundnut. It integrates climate change resilience adaptation measures and has a private sector orientation in the provision of extension services.IFAD-CASP builds on Community Development Association (CDA) model as the primary entry point for implementation. The programme started in July, 2016, with completion date scheduled for 31st March, 2021 and financial closing date for 30th September, 2021.
IFAD-CASP is being implemented in Katsina, Kebbi, Jigawa and Zamfara through four main components, namely: Productivity Enhancement and Climate Resilience; Enterprise Development for Women and Youth; Institutional Development; and Programme Coordination and Management.
The main driver of vulnerability in the northern States is soil erosion, therefore activities that seek to rehabilitate the vegetation cover and conserve soil and water resources are given priority in the States. Communities are encouraged to implement Sustainable Land Management activities such as Soil and Water Conservation with the provision of farm water harvesting structures; rehabilitation of degraded landscapes and rangelands; Livestock Watering Points; establishment of woodlots, Great Green Wall reforestation activities and rehabilitation of rural farm-to-market access roads.
Consequently, Expression of Interest (EOI) is hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates that are interested to participate in the FGN/IFAD Climate Change Adaptation and Agribusiness Support Programme (IFAD-CASP).
Job Description
The National Procurement Officer (NPO) will be responsible for the coordination of the procurement of goods, works and services financed under the Project.
Reporting and Location:
The position will be based in Katsina, but may involve occasional travel to participating States
The NPO will report directly to the NPC.
Details of the Contract:
Two-year contract, renewable if the project is extended and based on performance.
Duties and Responsibilities
Develop activities for the Annual Work plan and Budgets (AWPBs)
Undertake procurement activity as per the draft Procurement Plan which provides the estimated costs and the basis for the procurement methods for each procurement item under the programme
Prepare technical specifications for procurement of goods, works and services
Prepare bidding documents, tender notices, and invitations for bids
Receive bids, as well as finalize contracts
Administer contracts to ensure compliance with the contracts conditions, payment terms
Maintain all the records relating to procurement and regularly update the contract registrar
Undertake regular analysis of procurement process and proactively institute measures to improve procurement efficiency
Maintain a separate record relating to complaints and their redress
Update periodically the Procurement Plan in agreement with the Programme team to reflect the actual programme implementation needs and improvements in institutional capacity
Ensure implementation of agreed procurement arrangements
Prepare procurement implementation reports in accordance with the reporting requirements of IFAD and the government for both the NPMU and consolidated reports for the entire programme
Providing guidance and supervision to the state, the beneficiaries and service providers
Ensuring that the procurement capacity of state, beneficiaries and service providers is developed
Consolidate state progress reports and contribute tothe drafting of periodic project progress reports of the PSO.
A First Degree/HND in Engineering, Law, Purchasing and Supply, Business Administration or other relevant qualification, with relevant training in World Bank Group procurement guidelines and procedures
Minimum of 10 years post-qualification experience in procurement under externally assisted projects. Direct experience in World Bank-financed projects would be an asset
Demonstrated competence in procurement under externally assisted projects;
Good communication and writing skills;
Computer literacy.
Job Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Officer – FGN/IFAD Climate Change Adaptation and Agribusiness Support Programme (IFAD-CASP) Location: Katsina
Job Description
The Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (MEO) will be responsible for overseeing activities under the Project Management component of the Project which pertain to tracking and evaluating implementation performance.
Reporting and Location:
The position will be based in Katsina, but will involve frequent travel to participating States
The MEO will report directly to the MEC.
Details of the Contract:
Two-year contract, renewable if the project is extended and based on performance.
Duties and Responsibilities
Assist the M&E Coordinator and all those involved in programme M&E, particularly primary stakeholder groups
Revising the Program objective hierarchy and log frame matrix (activities, processes, inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts);
Determining information needs of project management, implementing partners and primary stakeholders, the cooperating institution and funding agencies;
Identifying and designing performance questions, key indicators and targets for each programme component and for each level of the objective hierarchy;
Agreeing how to record, report and analyze progress against the AWPB and designing the format of such progress reports;
Reviewing existing social and economic data for the project area to assess if it can provide good baseline data for impact evaluation, identifying gaps to be filled;
Assist in drawing up the TOR, designing and costing out a baseline survey and a needs assessment survey (as appropriate);
Assist in designing the formats and procedures for operational monitoring;
Assist in identifying the need and drawing up the TOR for specific evaluation studies,
Assist reviewing existing M&E and management information systems of implementing partners and identifying where support is needed;
Assist in collecting, compiling and analyzing reports prepared by implementing partners and preparing consolidated progress reports for project management to submit to the project steering committee, appropriate ministries, cooperating institution and FAD, in accordance with approved reporting formats;
Reviewing monitoring reports to assess interim impacts and identify causes of potential bottlenecks in implementation;
Collaborating with implementing partners and primary stakeholders to develop feasible and effective discussion events where M&E data are analyzed and corrective actions can be agreed upon;
Guiding and supervising organizations that are sub-contracted to implement special surveys or studies required for evaluating project effects and impacts;
Assist in training on M&E and facilitating M&E design and implementation processes with implementing partners and primary stakeholders;
Undertaking and facilitating others to implement the M&E plan, regularly revising and updating performance questions, indicators, methods, formats and analytical processes
Perform other job related duties as assigned.
Qualifications Required
First or higher Degree in Agricultural Economics, Economics, Statistics or other relevant Degree;
Minimum of 6 years post-qualification experience in planning, monitoring and evaluation, especially, of externally assisted projects;
Good communication and writing skills; and
Competence in the use of standard computer software applications for statistical analysis.
How to Apply for Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) 2019/2020
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their Applications in ten (10) copies including one original and nine (9) photocopies, properly sealed and clearly marked at the top right hand cover “Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Recruitment of Project Staff Under FGN/IFAD-CASP Project”. Each envelope should include a CV and an Application Letter with a Cover Letter suited for the position being applied for.
The sealed envelope should be addressed and delivered to:
The Director, Projects Coordinating Unit, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, No.1, Eldoret Close, Off Aminu Kano Crescent, Wuse II – Abuja.
Closing Date for FMARD Recruitment 2019/2020
Application Deadline is 15th August, 2019.
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