Uniport GES 102 Part III – GES 102 as we all know has been initiated as a compulsory course by NUC to all departments in the University of Port Harcourt and even to other schools at large. It is a course where you are been taught Logic and Philosophy. This is where students who may not major in Philosophy are opportune to have knowledge of it. It is indeed the love of wisdom. Uniport does not play with the course as it is very compulsory that all students must pass it before graduating from the University.
Many have failed the course just because they were not informed or they were not updated with the right information. Always visit the site, www.basedonnews.com to get updates and similar questions that would come out in your exam. We have been doing it; that is helping students with the right information. We still believe we can.
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The GES 102 part III is typically done to assist students in answering the questions from Unit Eight to Unit Ten. If you’ve answered yours and want to confirm if what you’ve done is correct, you can easily check the answers below. If you’ve not answered any, you can still use this as a guideline to answer yours. But in all, we advise you read the Textbook so that you can confirm the answers provided.
- Under what condition can the truth-value of a conditional proposition be ascertained? Answer: It can only be ascertained when those qualifications or conditions have been met.
- How is a categorical preposition different from the conditional proposition? Answer: A Categorical Proposition makes an assertion whose truth or falsehood can be ascertained in a straight-jacketed manner while Conditional Proposition cannot be ascertained in a straight-jacketed manner.
- The subject and the predicate terms of the categorical proposition could be called _____ Answer: Classes of Categorical Proposition.
- Name three properties of a categorical proposition? Answer: a) Always expressed in the indicative mood b) Always expressed in a particular tense c) The predicate is always separated from the subject by a copula.
- Every standard form of categorical proposition consists of copula Answer: which could be in form of present or past tense.
- What is the determinant of affirmative and negative propositions? Answer: In affirmative, the predicate is affirmed of the subject while in Negative propositions, the predicate is denied to the subject.
- What property of categorical proposition could be described as either affirmative or negative? Answer: Quality of proposition.
- The quantity of a categorical proposition could either be _______ Answer: Universal or Particular Propositions
- Mention all the standard form of categorical propositions using their relations as quality and quantity? Answer: (a) Universal Affirmative – A = Undistributed (b) Particular Affirmative – I = Undistributed (c) Universal Negative – E = Distributed (d) Particular Negative – O = Distributed
- What is the structure of distribution of the A and E propositions? Answer: (a) A = All S’s are P Sap (b) E = No S’s are P Sep
- State at least six quantity indicators for a standard form categorical proposition? Answer: any, whoever, hardly any, often, generally, a few etc
- What is inference? Inference simply put is movement from premise to conclusion.
- If the I – proposition is false, what is the truth value of its corresponding O – proposition? Answer: It is undetermined
- If the A – proposition is unknown, what is the truth value of its corresponding I – proposition? Answer: I is true
- What is the contrapositive of “some students are hardworking persons?” Answer: “Some non-hardworking persons are not non-students.
- How is the truth-value of a compound statement determined in propositional logic? Answer: It is determined through the simple statement
- What is another name for a simple statement? Answer: Atomic Statement
- What is the common name for the following symbols? v Answer: Vel sign
- Symbolize “Frank is brilliant or David is successful” Answer: F v D
- Symbolize “Mrs. George and Mr. Chukwu are both not Sandwich students” Answer: ̴ G ͘· ~ C
- Symbolize “If Uniport is an excellent school then students are diligent or lecturers and students are not both interested in research.” Answer: (U Ɔ D) v ̴ L · ~ S
- (a) (P.R) (QP) Answer: T ? FT
(b) [(RQ) (RvP) . Q Answer: ? T
(c) (R . P) v Q] P Answer: ? T F T
- Demonstrate the truth value of [(MvR)(WM) if M is true. R and W are false. Answer: TF FT
- Give a truth table analysis of PQ. Answer: TTT, TFF, FFT, FFF
- Given that Q is true. P is false, determine the truth value of (Q.P) ≡ (QvP). Answer: TFF F TTF
- Using the following proposition complete the truth table below making x in empty space, where applicable: (PQ)vR
P |
Q |
P.Q |
v |
R |
T |
T |
T |
T |
T |
F |
T |
F |
T |
T |
T |
F |
F |
T |
T |
F |
F |
F |
F |
F |
T |
T |
T |
T |
F |
F |
T |
F |
F |
F |
- ____ fallacies could be detected by examining the content and not the form of an argument? Answer: C – informal
- ______ fallacy is also regarded as the fallacy of emphasis? Answer: E – accent
- What form of fallacy is committed by an arguer who distorts the opponent’s argument as a way of easily refuting it? Answer: D – straw man
- _____ involve a similar association between certain people and some product or activities. Answer: C – appeal snobbery
Examine the following propositions and indicate the ones that are fallacious, the fallacies they commit, if any, and why they commit them.
- There is no such thing as knowledge which cannot be carried into practice for such knowledge is really no knowledge at all
- Joseph: Mr. President, the meeting is becoming ungovernable, so, I move a motion to suspend the issue for three years. Answer: Fallacy – Ignoratio elenchi. Reason for the Fallacy – suspending the motion for three years is not a logical conclusion of the problem
- Dennis wrote her “You are a bad journalist because you are a bad woman.” Answer: Fallacy: False Cause. Reason: Being a bad woman may not have been what made her a bad journalist
- Ikwerre goats are disappearing. That goat is an Ikwerre goat. Therefore, that goat is disappearing. Answer: Fallacy: non causa pro causa (False Cause). Reason for the Fallacy: that the goat is an Ikwerre goat doesn’t necessarily mean it is disappearing.
- UNIPORT students are brilliant. All Post HND students are brilliant. Therefore, all Post HND students are Uniport Students. Answer: Fallacy – Fallacy of division. Reason for the Fallacy: That all Post HND students are brilliant does not mean all Post HND students are Uniport students
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We advise you read the Textbook as Exam questions will come out from the Textbook and as well the workbook.
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UNIPORT GES 102 – Answers to the GES 102 – Logic and Philosophy Workbook Part III
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Pls I need GE's 102, unit eight to ten
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Please I need Ges 102 unit 10 and 11
Please I need Ges 102 unit 10 and 11