Update on NYSC Batch C Stream I and Stream II 2018/2019 Online Registration Date, Mobilization Guidelines, Time Table – This is to inform you that there will be NYSC Batch C Stream I and Stream II 2018/2019. All prospective corps members should check to see the commencement date for registration, guidelines for a successful registration. Also when people will start going to camp was also updated. Now, the detailed information about NYSC Batch C Stream 1 & 2 2018/2019 is stated below.
About NYSC Batch C Stream I & II
There will be NYSC Batch C Stream 1 & 2 2018/2019. The confusion of when NYSC Batch is actually commencing is explained here. Some persons ask, will NYSC Batch C start by October or November. Now see the commencement date for different batches below.
Commencement date for NYSC Batch C Stream I Registration 2018
NYSC Batch C Stream I 2018/2019 online registration portal will be opened by October 6, 2018. Therefore all prospective corps members should start getting ready as there is no time again to waste. So the question of when NYSC Batch C Stream 1 is starting has been answered. Scroll down to see the closing date.
Note: For a successful application Click Here – To see what you need and how to avoid errors
When is NYSC Batch C Stream II 2018/2019 starting
As soon as NYSC Batch C Stream I registration ends, 3 – 4 weeks after, Batch C Stream II online registration will start. NYSC Batch C Stream II online registration will start by November last week. For you to be updated on the right date as information is power – subscribe to us using your Email address – is totally free
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Since we have two batches for NYSC Batch C – will there still be Batch A and when is NYSC Batch A starting
Yes! There will be NYSC 2018/2019 Batch A – Stream I & II as soon as Batch C comes out from camp. The fact is that registration and mobilization date will fluctuate due to 2019 election in Nigeria.
Things that would make you not to join NYSC Batch C Stream I or Stream II 2018/2019
This is to reply those that asks us the errors that would make them not to join this batch – NYSC Batch C Stream I or Stream II 2018/2019. The list of possible things that would make you not to join include:
If you are totally free from the aforementioned reasons, Let me tell you – Na NYSC Dey Rush You
Click Here to see Registration requirement and procedures
Click to See How to collect Exemption Letter for Home Trained and Foreign Graduates
NYSC mobilization Time Table
No time table has been released officially by NYSC – but we promise to notify you as soon as is released
If I have done mobilization before, will I still do another mobilization
The truth is that, you will only check your name on Senate List to see if it’s still showing.
Then if you have registered before online but could not go to camp, just go online during NYSC Batch C and do Revalidation.
If my name is still showing “Sorry No details found” on NYSC Senate List what will I do
If your name is not showing on Senate List, don’t panic as upload of details on NYSC Senate List is still ongoing.
JAMB Regularization issues – What should I do if JAMB has not notify me
The truth about JAMB Regularization is that it takes 2 to 4 weeks before JAMB will notify you. And if you want to join Batch C, make sure you must have submitted your printed JAMB Regularization form to your school – Admission office precisely. If you have this issue, just comment Below
I have exceeded 30 years and you still want to go for service
For issues like this, Comment Below as you shall be updated and replied as soon as possible
My name is not on JAMB LIST FOR NYSC MOBILIZATION – What should I do
Kindly, Comment Below as we shall give you directions or call using the number below
How To Register NYSC 2018/2019 Batch C
Click www.portal.nysc.org.ng
Closing date for NYSC Batch C Stream I 2018/2019
NYSC Batch C Stream I 2018/2019 online registration portal closes on October 15, 2018.
Important notice
Try to make sure your name is not error list before the registration starts
Closing date for NYSC Batch C Stream II 2018/2019
NYSC Batch C Stream II 2018/2019 online registration portal will close by 1st week of December, 2019.
Note: There could be change of mind in NYSC Batch C Stream 2 as is still tentative, but we must update you once is finally fixed, kindly bookmark this page or subscribe to us for more updates.
Click here to See When Batch A 2019 is commencing
Related Articles:
Read; How to Select States that pays well and the amount they pay during your online registration
NYSC Camp Rules and Regulations – what you need to know
Also Read; How to go above average
Secrets to achieving your goal fast while in the Camp
For you not to be misled, or for proper understanding, Subscribe to us using your Email address – Subscription is totally Free (FOC). Also, Like our Facebook page.
You can Join Whatsapp Group for further updates – but make sure you subscribe to us first
For questions, directives, update, Call 08169777654
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View Comments
Could that be a mistake, because they wrote 'closing date for NYSC registration Batch C stream II 2018/2019 closes ist week of December 2019...... I think it should be ist week of December 2018... Am I right please....
yes you are
I have issue with jamb regularization
How do i go abt it?
have you applied for it
Hello admin I have done my jamb regularization last year I got my reg Num with admission letter with me reg Num 55347579CA.I found my name on error list ADMISSION NOT GIVEN YET. Though just
did my clearance. I saw my name on school verify sanate list.old admin I need to go with thus next batch ...what is the solution
Don't panic, just call 08169777654 for directives
Hello admin,I did my jamb regularisation on the 3rd of September 2018 and I have not received my jamb number,pls do u think I can still make the batch C this year.
Kindly go to your school registrar and confirm if there is any error as incorrespondence of details in form and school will make the school not to submit your form to JAMB
I just found out now that my admission is not on the jamb list, please how will I go about it and am I still going to follow batch C and go for service. Thanks
call 08169777654 or chat him up on Whatsapp now
Pls I did my regularization 3 weeks ago and it’s not yet out and my name is still on error list would I still be Mobilized if it finally comes out at least batch c stream 2?
call 08169777654 for directives
pls wen wil d batch c stream 11 pcms go to camp as I was told by my school to register for stream 2.
Call or whatsapp 08169777654
Hello admin, pls I tried checking my name on the senate list up until 2day being the last day 4 mobilization but its telling me no record found!! I checked my jamb matriculation list and they told me congratulations I'm on the list... nw I heard there will be a stream2 for dis batch c.. but I have yet not being mobilized... so my question is.. will there still be another mobilization list to be uploaded 4 stream 2?
Confirm from your school if your name is on error list
I did ask and I was told dat as far as my name is on the jamb matriculation list dat then I'm not suppose to be on any error list... I'm confused as to how my name didn't appear on the senate list... dat is y I'm asking if there would be another mobilization list 4 stream 2
yes, but try confirming from your school why your name is on error list
I didn't something my documents earlier for mobilisation in my skul is it steal possible for me submits my documents for to be mobilised and go for batch c?
Yes if you can be mobilized in school
My name is in error List, cus I printed my jamb result late. Will I still make it to batch c, stream 2